AEW Collision and Rampage Results: Winners, Live Grades, Reaction, Highlights (2024)

AEW Collision and Rampage Results: Winners, Live Grades, Reaction, Highlights

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    AEW Collision and Rampage Results: Winners, Live Grades, Reaction, Highlights (1)

    Collision and Rampage.AEW

    Welcome to Bleacher Report's live coverage and recap of AEW Collision and Rampage on November 17.

    Due to this week's Full Gear pay-per-view taking place on Saturday, AEW decided to bump Collision back to Friday to give us a three-hour combined program with Rampage.

    We heard from several people who will be competing at Full Gear including Jay White and MJF, but there was also plenty of action on the show.

    Among other matches, Toni Storm battled Emi Sakura, The Outcasts took on Hikaru Shida and Kris Statlander, and Miro took on Daniel Garcia.

    Let's take a look at what happened during Friday's supersized night of AEW action.

Miro vs. Daniel Garcia

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    AEW Collision and Rampage Results: Winners, Live Grades, Reaction, Highlights (2)

    Collision. AEW

    This special three-hour show kicked off with Tony Schiavone welcoming Christian Cage, Nick Wayne and Luchasaurus to the ring for an interview.

    Cage gave a great promo to hype his trios match at Full Gear and the title match he will have later in the night during the Rampage portion of the show. The segment ended without interruption. We also got a quick interview backstage with Big Bill and Ricky Starks before Miro made his way to the ring for the first match against Daniel Garcia.

    The dancing machine got a nice reaction when he came out, but he looked like he was focused more on his opponent than his dance moves for once.

    God's Forsaken Champion overpowered Red Death and dominated the first few minutes with ease. Garcia tried to get in some offense, but he was stopped in his tracks each time he gained a little momentum.

    A lot of AEW matches are booked to give equal offense to both competitors, but this bout was set up in a much better way. Miro was dominant and had the upper hand for more time while Garcia played the underdog who got in occasional bursts of offense.

    All Elite Wrestling @AEW

    Daniel Garcia pulls out all the stops against Miro!<br><br>Watch <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#AEWCollision</a> LIVE on TNT<a href="">@ToBeMiro</a> | <a href="">@GarciaWrestling</a> <a href=""></a>

    This might not be anyone's Match of the Week, but it is a great example of how to properly book a powerhouse against a much smaller competitor without it feeling contrived. They gave the crowd just enough hope that Garcia might get a submission victory with a Sharpshooter before Miro escaped and leveled him with a kick to set up for his version of the camel clutch to get the win.

    Thankfully, Daddy Magic showing up had very little impact on the outcome.

    Result: Miro defeated Daniel Garcia

    Grade: B+

    Notable Moments and Observations

    • Have you ever noticed how the Kia Forum is more beloved than Kia vehicles?
    • Christian making Tony come back to hold the mic for him was hilarious.
    • When Ric Flair was mentioned, you could hear some woos and some boos.
    • Garcia's belly-to-back suplex looked good.

The Kings of the Black Throne vs. The Boys

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    AEW Collision and Rampage Results: Winners, Live Grades, Reaction, Highlights (3)

    Full GearAEW

    Before they compete in a Fatal 4-Way Ladder match for the tag titles at Full Gear, Malakai Black and Brody King had a warmup match against Dalton Castle's sidekicks, The Boys.

    Black started the match against the twin with the red hair and nearly took his head off with a spinning elbow after about 30 seconds. King and the other twin both tagged in and King shrugged off some strikes before barking at his opponent.

    This was a glorified squash match that King and Black win in just a couple of minutes. It was an entertaining exhibition, but it was filler content.

    Result: Malakai Black and Brody King defeated The Boys

    Grade: C

    Notable Moments and Observations

    • King no-selling strikes and barking at his opponent is such an intimidating sight.
    • Julia Hart, Kris Statlander and Skye Blue got a video package to hype the TBS title match at Full Gear.

Trent Beretta vs. Penta El Zero Miedo vs. Brian Cage vs. Komander

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    AEW Collision and Rampage Results: Winners, Live Grades, Reaction, Highlights (4)


    Trent Beretta, Penta El Zero Miedo, Brian Cage and Komander competed in a Fatal 4-Way match to see which one of them would get a shot at the TNT title later on during Rampage.

    The beginning saw a lot of trash talk from all four men before the action started, but once they got going, the luchadors hit a few high-flying moves to make it an exciting exchange.

    This was a match with a lot of moving parts and a lot of wild spots. This is one of those bouts where it would take too long to list all of the best moments, so you should probably just watch this one for yourself if you didn't see it live.

    All Elite Wrestling @AEW

    What a move by Brian Cage!<br><br>Watch <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#AEWCollision</a> LIVE on TNT<a href="">@PENTAELZEROM</a> | <a href="">@KomandercrMX</a> | <a href="">@trentylocks</a> | <a href="">@briancagegmsi</a> <a href=""></a>

    Everyone put in a great effort to make this a fun and energetic Fatal 4-Way. Beretta ended up getting the win by hitting Strong Zero on Komander for the pin.

    Result: Trent Beretta defeated Komander, Penta El Zero Miedo and Brian Cage

    Grade: B+

    Notable Moments and Observations

    • Cage embracing a nerdier character does not get talked about enough.
    • Beretta suckering Penta into a clothesline was a great spot.
    • Cage suplexing Komander out of the ring onto Beretta and Penta was a bonkers spot. It looked great and everyone seemed to be alright.
    • Cage also hit a nice-looking 619 during the picture-in-picture segment.

Wardlow vs. Some Unfortunate Soul, Dax Harwood vs. Rush

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    AEW Collision and Rampage Results: Winners, Live Grades, Reaction, Highlights (5)


    Wardlow marched his way to the ring and immediately hit a powerbomb on some unfortunate jobber. The WarDaddy wasn't done and climbed to the top rope to hit a swanton bomb before hitting another powerbomb. The ref called off the match because his opponent could not continue.

    Result; Wardlow defeated a local talent by referee stoppage

    Grade: Incomplete

    WrestleTalk @WrestleTalk_TV

    Dax Harwood has reacted to <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#AEW</a> spelling his name "HarDwood" during <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#AEWDynamite</a> last night:<a href=""></a> <a href=""></a>

    Dax Harwood and Rush met for a singles match ahead of the Fatal 4-Way Ladder match on Saturday, but they were not alone. Jose, Starks and Big Bill were all near the ring.

    This was a very physical match. Harwood is just as well known for his brawling as he is for his technical wrestling, so he and the hard-hitting Rush were able to have a highly competitive contest.

    Neither man seemed to have a big advantage over the other, so they traded control several times. Some things they did weren't pretty, but it all looked effective. These men may have been uneasy allies recently, but they were not holding back.

    This was definitely a bout that would have been welcome on any PPV, but the ending was marred by interference by Starks and Bill. The rest of the competitors from the Fatal 4-Way tag match came out to turn this into a huge brawl.

    The match was good, but the ending really hurt the overall quality. The huge brawl could have easily taken place after a clean finish.

    Result: No Contest

    Grade: B

    Notable Moments and Observations

    • Harwood and Rush trading strikes was a good sequence. Both of them tend to be on the stiff side, so they had red chests after a little while.
    • Rush's fake-out kick is always fun.
    • It was weird not to see Cash Wheeler with Harwood.

Wheeler Yuta vs. Buddy Matthews

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    AEW Collision and Rampage Results: Winners, Live Grades, Reaction, Highlights (6)


    Wheeler Yuta and Buddy Matthews met for a singles match once AEW got the tag teams cleared from the ringside area.

    Matthews had a clear size and power advantage, but Yuta used his speed and technical ability to even the playing field so this didn't feel like a one-sided battle.

    AEW on TV @AEWonTV

    Pro wrestling on a Friday night is just<br><br> *Chef's Kiss*<a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#AEWCollision</a> <a href=""></a>

    They ended up having a great match that showcased each of their individual skill sets. The best part was that the ending was hard to predict because this felt like an even matchup from start to finish.

    Matthews ended up getting the pin but he wasn't done yet. He went to get a chair to continue his attack when Claudio Castagnoli showed up to make the save. He grabbed a mic and challenged Matthews to a match at Full Gear.

    Result: Buddy Matthews defeated Wheeler Yuta

    Grade: B+

    Notable Moments and Observations

    • The House of Black was all over this show. It's great to see the whole group getting some much-needed attention recently.
    • Matthews is such a great performer and it feels like AEW hasn't even come close to tapping into his potential yet. He could be having Match of the Year candidates if he was being put in the right position.
    • Not having members of BCC and HOB at ringside was the right call. We didn't need another interference ending.

The Outcasts vs. Hikaru Shida and Kris Statlander

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    AEW Collision and Rampage Results: Winners, Live Grades, Reaction, Highlights (7)


    The Outcasts came out for the final match on the Collision portion of the show to take on Kris Statlander and Hikaru Shida.

    Ruby Soho started the match against Shida but all the announcers could talk about was Soho having a potential suitor.

    Angelo Parker showed up in the crowd to lend some support while wearing a Soho shirt. She looked happy to see him, but the distraction almost cost her the match.

    Even though this match had some good action, there was a bit of a disconnect because neither of the champions were facing their challengers for Full Gear.

    All Elite Wrestling @AEW

    Saraya does not like what she sees on the outside!<br><br>Watch <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#AEWCollision</a> LIVE on TNT<a href="">@Saraya</a> | <a href="">@realrubysoho</a> | <a href="">@callmekrisstat</a> | <a href="">@shidahikaru</a> <a href=""></a>

    Statlander wiped out Parker with a clothesline at ringside while Shida finished off Saraya in the ring to get the win. The Collision portion of the show ended with MJF giving a backstage interview with Schiavone.

    Result: Kris Statlander and Hikaru Shida defeated Ruby Soho and Saraya

    Grade: C+

    Notable Moments and Observations

    • Statllander suplexing Soho and Saraya at the same time was a nice display of power.
    • Soho's poison rana looked good.

Christian Cage vs. Trent Beretta (TNT Championship)

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    AEW Collision and Rampage Results: Winners, Live Grades, Reaction, Highlights (8)


    The Rampage portion of the show opened with Jericho making his entrance to join the commentary table before Beretta and Cage came out for the TNT title bout.

    Cage talked a little trash and tried to big-time Beretta, but he wasn't intimidated. Both of these guys are veterans with similar abilities, but with Cage being the more decorated champion of the two, he made sure to let Beretta know who the bigger star was.

    Due to Cage being in a feud with Sting, Allin and Copeland at the moment, the conclusion of this bout felt a bit too predictable. It made it hard to buy into any of the false finishes, but they did their best to make the match entertaining.

    Cage kicked out of Storm Zero, the same move Beretta used to win this opportunity earlier in the show. When he regained his composure, he began to focus on Beretta's neck before hitting a Killswitch for the win.

    Result: Christian Cage defeated Trent Beretta

    Grade: B-

    Notable Moments and Observations

    • Cage does a lot of little heel things between moves to get extra heat. He is the kind of talent that rookies should study. He knows how to work a crowd perfectly.
    • Beretta has a really smooth DDT.
    • Cage telling Luchasaurus to carry him around on his shoulder was a funny moment.

Toni Storm vs. Emi Sakura

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    AEW Collision and Rampage Results: Winners, Live Grades, Reaction, Highlights (9)


    Toni Storm tried to give Emi Sakura a script for their match, but the veteran ripped it up and started throwing Storm around the ring.

    The Timeless One was able to throw her down by her head and hit a hip attack to send her out of the ring. Luther helped her out of the ring so she could keep attacking Sakura on the floor.

    Sakura looked amused at Storm's antics as she took control again. Storm managed to take over during the break, but Sakura didn't make it easy on her. After kicking out of a tigerbomb and a brutal backbreaker, the Hollywood starlet picked up the win.

    This was fine for what it was, but it wasn't exactly Storm's most competitive match. It was more about her character work, which was fine, but the in-ring work took a bit of a hit as a result.

    Result: Toni Storm defeated Emi Sakura

    Grade: C+

    Notable Moments and Observations

    • Storm had some new gear for this match. It goes well with her character.
    • The crossbody Sakura hit to knock Storm off the apron looked great.

Roderick Strong vs. Action Andretti

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    AEW Collision and Rampage Results: Winners, Live Grades, Reaction, Highlights (10)

    The KingdomAEW

    Roderick Strong came out with Matt Taven and Mike Bennett to compete in a match against Action Andretti.

    Roddy tried to attack AA as soon as he got to the ring, but the high-flyer saw it coming and took him down to get a quick two-count.

    What seemed like it might be a quick bout when it started turned into a much more competitive fight than expected. This might not have been the most star-studded match to put in the main event spot of a three-hour show, but they did a good job keeping the crowd invested.

    After a scary moment when Strong landed right on his neck following a Spanish Fly, Roddy managed to get the win.

    All Elite Wrestling @AEW

    MJF IS TAKING OUT <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#BULLETCLUBGOLD</a> IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RING!<br><br>Watch <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#AEWRampage</a> LIVE on TNT!<br><br>Watch <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#AEWFullGear</a> LIVE on PPV TONIGHT at 8pm ET/5pm PT<br>🔗 <a href=""></a><br>📱 <a href=""></a><br>🌏 <a href=""></a><a href="">@The_MJF</a> | <a href="">@JayWhiteNZ</a> <a href=""></a>

    Jay White was giving an interview to close the show when MJF attacked him out of nowhere in an attempt to get back the Triple B. They ended up in the ring where MJF ended up getting beaten down by The Gunns and Switchblade.

    Samoa Joe made the save but he was unable to help MJF reclaim the belt. It looks like Jow and MJF will be the ones to defend the ROH tag titles at Full Gear.

    Result: Roderick Strong defeated Action Andretti

    Grade: B-

    Notable Moments and Observations

    • Hearing Jericho talk about losing to Andretti was kind of funny.
    • Nigel McGuinness has become the epitome of heel commentary. He never hesitates to bury a babyface and put over a heel no matter what is happening.
    • Taven and Bennett should be having more matches. The Kingdom is a great tag team but they feel wasted in this angle.
    • Andretti showed some good power when he picked up Roddy off the mat for a suplex.
    • If Strong had actually hurt his neck during this angle, Andretti never would have lived it down.

The Final Word

10 of 10

    AEW having three hours of programming on regular television is not something we are used to, but the company managed to fill the time effectively.

    Being the go-home show before Full Gear meant AEW had to juggle hyping the PPV while also putting on matches that would entertain the paying crowd.

    Not only did we get a handful of fun bouts, but most of the storylines that were addressed were done so in a satisfying way.

    There were certainly weak moments and filler segments, but overall, this was an entertaining way to spend a Friday night heading into a PPV weekend.

    Grade: B

AEW Collision and Rampage Results: Winners, Live Grades, Reaction, Highlights (2024)


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