JP van Dijk - (2024)


Challenging Appraisal of Tight Palaeozoic Reservoirs in Algeria; Fault and Fracture Network Analyses and Modeling

82nd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition, 2021

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JP van Dijk - (2)

The DMX Protocol; Ringing in a New Era in Discrete 3D Fault and Fracture Modeling

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JP van Dijk - (4)

The new global tectonic map—Analyses and implications

Terra Nova

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JP van Dijk - (6)

Integration of Geophysics and Geology in a Complex Area, Gulf of Suez

Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference, 2019

Dragon Oil (ENOC Group) is operator with 100 % of interest in the exploration East Zeit Bay (EZB)... more Dragon Oil (ENOC Group) is operator with 100 % of interest in the exploration East Zeit Bay (EZB) block, which covers a surface of 93 km2 in an area where producing oil fields are nearby; e.g.: East Zeit, Hilal, Ashrafi, Ashrafi SW, and Zeit Bay fields. The license commitment consists of a seismic acquisition and processing and the drilling of two exploration wells before September 18th, 2019, which corresponds to the end of the extension of the first exploration period. The EZB block is located in the Gulf of Suez (GoS) in an area characterized by very shallow waters, where two coral reef islands emerge during low tide and several obstacles are present, i.e.: an oil terminal, mooring buoys, a waiting area for tankers and fishing and touristic activity. In the period 1969-1984, some 240 km of 2D seismic were acquired within the block using different acquisition parameter sets and processed with inhom*ogeneous flow-charts generating a sparse 2D seismic grid of variable data quality. Some of these data were reprocessed even in PSTM and PSDM, but without any sensible improvement. Furthermore, 3D seismic surveys were also acquired in 1996/1997 and almost cover the entire surface of the EZB block: The Ashrafi Deep Water (DW) survey, obtained towing a streamer, has been recorded in the north-eastern part of the block and the central and western parts have been surveyed by the West Ashrafi campaign in Ocean Bottom Cable (OBC) mode. But this 3D is of very poor quality due to the screening effect of coral covering the sea bottom on the geophone component of the recording. During the last four years, extensive multidisciplinary analyses integrating reprocessing of existing magnetic data with new acquired gravity data and new and reprocessed 2D and 3D seismic data, well log and dipmeter analyses were carried out by Dragon Oil to delineate drillable prospects. Key of the success in generating a valid interpretation was the idea to combine a well site survey, compulsory for rig location, with a 2D seismic survey in an area with restricted vessel maneuverability.

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JP van Dijk - (8)

High Resolution Fracture Analyses and 3d DMX-DFN Modeling of Triassic dolomites, Wadi Bih, Ras Al Khamaih, UAE

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JP van Dijk - (10)

The Houta Prospect Hammamet Basin, Offshore Tunisia as an Example of a New Play in an Old Basin

by JP van Dijk and Achref Boulares

A new play concept is presented for the prospectivity of the Miocene of the Gulf of Hammamet (Cen... more A new play concept is presented for the prospectivity of the Miocene of the Gulf of Hammamet (Central Mediterranean Pelagian Basin, offshore Tunisia), built upon three new elements: the role of the Langhian unconformity, the specific type of migration model, and the mechanism of tectonic inversion, based on an extensive subsurface mapping of the area, on vintage 2d and 3d and newly acquired and processed 3d seismic data using available well logs. The sandstone reservoirs are part of the Oum Douil Group (Serravallian-Tortonian; e.g. Saouaf, Birsa, Zelfa, Somoaa, Beglia Fm’s), and are deposited in the Miocene foreland Basin which developed on the African continental margin, on top of the Langhian unconformity which shows substantial erosion of the Cretaceous-Paleocene sequences, and angular relationships as evident in seismic. We interpret this as related to a foreland bulge connected to the Early Miocene approaching of the Maghrebian (Atlas) mountain front from the North which culmin...

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JP van Dijk - (12)

The Houta Prospect Hammamet Basin, Offshore Tunisia as an Example of a New Play in an Old Basin

A new play concept is presented for the prospectivity of the Miocene of the Gulf of Hammamet (Cen... more A new play concept is presented for the prospectivity of the Miocene of the Gulf of Hammamet (Central Mediterranean Pelagian Basin, offshore Tunisia), built upon three new elements: the role of the Langhian unconformity, the specific type of migration model, and the mechanism of tectonic inversion, based on an extensive subsurface mapping of the area, on vintage 2d and 3d and newly acquired and processed 3d seismic data using available well logs. The sandstone reservoirs are part of the Oum Douil Group (Serravallian-Tortonian; e.g. Saouaf, Birsa, Zelfa, Somoaa, Beglia Fm’s), and are deposited in the Miocene foreland Basin which developed on the African continental margin, on top of the Langhian unconformity which shows substantial erosion of the Cretaceous-Paleocene sequences, and angular relationships as evident in seismic. We interpret this as related to a foreland bulge connected to the Early Miocene approaching of the Maghrebian (Atlas) mountain front from the North which culmin...

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JP van Dijk - (14)

DMX-FMX: Bridging the Gaps Between Data Analyses and Combined Data–Model Driven 3D Fault and Fracture Network Modeling - A Novel Approach

In the present paper new original approach is presented that constitutes the link between the ana... more In the present paper new original approach is presented that constitutes the link between the analyses techniques of fracture and fault (Discontinuity) networks in surface and subsurface such as obtained from borehole imaging, conventional observations and ctscan on cores, laser scan and drone observations on outcrops, and 3d seismic attribute volumes, and the novel DMX Protocol, a numerical code developed over the last 15 years to converge towards a more realistic Discontinuity Network representation in space, on the other. This new methodology uses the following flow chart: The FMX protocol analyses datasets for mathematical characterizations of distributions of parameters such as size, spacing, orientation and truncations (distribution models such as Normal, Power Law, LogNormal, etc.). These data analyses tools are linked to different type of Data Driven Modeling technologies, already presented during the last 25 years, both in 2d and 3d (FPDM statistical mapping of orientation ...

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JP van Dijk - (16)

Fault and Fracture Network Analyses and Modeling in a Challenging Complex Geological Environment - Paleozoic Tight Reservoirs in Algeria

A fully integrated multidisciplinary and multiscale workflow has been applied, using up to date t... more A fully integrated multidisciplinary and multiscale workflow has been applied, using up to date technologies and introducing two new technological components, to investigate upon deliverability of already discovered and proven resources and explore for new reservoirs and prospects in the Palaeozoic of Tinrhert (Ilizzi-Berkine Basin) and M'Sari-Akabli (Ahnet Basin) Blocks (Algeria). Data involved are seismic mapping and depth modeling, seismic attributes processing, well log correlation, image log and stress field analyses, core data and remote sensing data analyses. Two completely new approaches are outlined in this paper which regard data driven DFFN modeling on 3d seismic data, and multiscale treatment of remote sensing data on fractures and faults. Various semi-automated 3d seismic attribute analyses techniques were applied to enhance the visibility of seismic and subseismic fault and fracture zones. Variance/coherency extraction plus "ant tracking" (with applicatio...

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JP van Dijk - (18)

New Insights in the Tectonostratigraphic evolution of the Oman Emirates Thrust Belt; the Key Role of the Jebel Hafit Structure

Jebel Hafit is situated along the border of Oman and the UAE near the city of El Ain, and was sub... more Jebel Hafit is situated along the border of Oman and the UAE near the city of El Ain, and was subject to numerous studies. It is a key analogue of some of the hydrocarbon producing subsurface structures of the Emirates and an important element for the reconstruction of the evolution of the Oman-UAE Thrust Belt. We conducted an integration of detailed multiscale remote sensing study, a review of available surface/subsurface data, and our own field geological surveys, and propose a new revised stratigraphic framework which resolves some of the previously raised perplexities, and a new view on the structural evolution of the thrust belt. According to our reconstruction Jebel Hafit is a steep and narrow, elongated, sigmoidally shaped asymmetrical anticline, which stratigraphy shows an Eocene-Oligocene series starting from thick bedded shallow marine carbonate platform (Rus Fm), developing into an instable slope (megaslumps and bioclastic turbidite series),deepening into a carbonate shel...

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JP van Dijk - (20)

The Analysis of Shear Zones in Calabria; Implica Tions for the Geodynamics of the Central Mediterranean

Systematic analysis of basem*nt structures and Neogene morphotectonic elements -calibrated with r... more Systematic analysis of basem*nt structures and Neogene morphotectonic elements -calibrated with research data on shear zones -has led to the construction of a new synthetic structural model for the Cala­brian Arc. Six fault systems can be distinguished which have generated various types of basins, such as piggy-back,pull-apart and complex oblique strike-slip basins. These systems are determined by three morphotectonic patterns: A) N130 trending segments separated by oblique transversal thrust zones. B) SW-NE trending thrust zones representing the most internal part of the Calabrian accretionary wedge system. C) Radial wedge-shaped segments confining the collapsed Southern Tyrrhenian Basin with accompanying concentric patterns of ten­sional faults internally and dome-shaped uplift centres situated externally, determining the actual arc. The pactterns A and B can be linked to the Serravallian-Early Pliocene development of crustal shear zones ("Strike-Slip Cycle") while patte...

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JP van Dijk - (22)

High Resolution Fracture Analyses and 3d DMX DFN Modeling of Triassic Dolomites; Wadi Bih, Ras Al Khaimah UAE

The present paper regards a high-resolution 3d fracture DMX modelling exercise applied to Triassi... more The present paper regards a high-resolution 3d fracture DMX modelling exercise applied to Triassic dolomites of the Ghail Fm, outcropping along Wadi Bih in the territory of Ras Al-Khaimah (UAE). The outcropping rocks show a low primary porosity, are well bedded and highly fractured (jointed) up to cm scale. They are an equivalent of the hydrocarbon producing Khuff Fm in the subsurface, and as such the exersice shows the relevance of applying new technologies to outcrop observations to confront with subsurface situations. Secondly, the exersize shows several new unique elements and related technologies not presented previously. The workflow presented which allows to arrive from observations to a 3d data driven fracture model, applying new technologies and algorithms using specific modules of the DMX protocol. Data collected comprise direct hand measurements of fractures and bedding planes, and 3d calibrated HR photographs. The scale of the model ranges from cm to meter scale fracture...

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JP van Dijk - (24)

Integration of Geophysics and Geology in a Complex Area, Gulf of Suez

Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference

Dragon Oil (ENOC Group) is operator with 100 % of interest in the exploration East Zeit Bay (EZB)... more Dragon Oil (ENOC Group) is operator with 100 % of interest in the exploration East Zeit Bay (EZB) block, which covers a surface of 93 km 2 in an area where producing oil fields are nearby; e.g.: East Zeit, Hilal, Ashrafi, Ashrafi SW, and Zeit Bay fields. The license commitment consists of a seismic acquisition and processing and the drilling of two exploration wells before September 18 th , 2019, which corresponds to the end of the extension of the first exploration period. The EZB block is located in the Gulf of Suez (GoS) in an area characterized by very shallow waters, where two coral reef islands emerge during low tide and several obstacles are present, i.e.: an oil terminal, mooring buoys, a waiting area for tankers and fishing and touristic activity. In the period 1969-1984, some 240 km of 2D seismic were acquired within the block using different acquisition parameter sets and processed with inhom*ogeneous flow-charts generating a sparse 2D seismic grid of variable data quality...

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JP van Dijk - (26)

The DMX Protocol: A New Generation of Geology Driven 3D Discrete Fault and Fracture Network Modelling

Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference

A new Protocol ("DMX") is presented for 3d DFFN (Discrete Fault and Fracture Network) m... more A new Protocol ("DMX") is presented for 3d DFFN (Discrete Fault and Fracture Network) modelling, a numerical code developed over the last 20 years in order to converge towards a more realistic Discontinuity (fault and fracture) Network representation in space. The protocol introduces the following new features: Fracture interaction, truncation, termination and cross cutting in 3d space based on newly designed collision algorithms and fracture propagation principles; Modelling at any scale range of unlimited basic 3d fracture shapes, specific 3d fracture morphology, and 3d fracture aperture types; A complete integration between classical geological/geomechanical drivers such as stress ellipse, fault zones with 3d slip vectors, and different fold models (axial plane, fold axis and bedding orientation conditioning), geological assembly modelling such as joint spacing and set dependency, offset/faulting, and probabilistic conditioning of any of the parameters and drivers. Examples of the application of the protocol are presented to illustrate few of the unlimited amount of combinations that can be generated in 3d space. Furthermore, an example of the complete flow chart of a calibration to real observed cases is provided. The protocol constitutes a complete game change and opens a range of technological challenges for the future applications in Mining, Civil Engineering and Conventional and Unconventional Oil and Gas Exploration and Production.

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JP van Dijk - (28)

Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production Potential of the Gulf Of Suez Basin in the Framework of the New Tectonostratigraphic Model

SPE Gas & Oil Technology Showcase and Conference

The Gulf of Suez Basin (GOS), a World Class Hydrocarbon Province, is a typical Continental Rift, ... more The Gulf of Suez Basin (GOS), a World Class Hydrocarbon Province, is a typical Continental Rift, but many perplexities arise from the different proposed evolutionary models. Previous models describe extension along (N)NW-(S)SE faults with antithetic half grabens but show numerous difficulties to capture all observed elements into one single frame, as reconstruction is hampered by low seismic resolution below the heterogeneous Upper Miocene salt. Our analyses (from outcrop, seismic, well logs, gravimetry, magnetometry, dipmeter, and seismic and magnetic reprocessing), over the last years, allows the definition of a new tectonic model better describing these features: The GOS evolution is placed in a sinistral transtensional regime, reinterpreting the Duwi (WNW-ESE), Clysmic (NW-SE), Aqaba (NNE-SSW), and Cross (NE-SW) trends and the two (twist) accomodation zones, showing two distinct episodes resulting in overprinting of differently trending and tilting fault blocks. Furthermore, it ...

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JP van Dijk - (30)

A New Model for the Development of the Gulf of Suez Rifting; Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production Potential

Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference

The Gulf of Suez Basin (GOS), a World Class Hydrocarbon Province, is a typical Continental Rift, ... more The Gulf of Suez Basin (GOS), a World Class Hydrocarbon Province, is a typical Continental Rift, but many perplexities arise from the different proposed evolutionary models. Previous models describe extension along (N)NW-(S)SE faults with antithetic half grabens, but show numerous difficulties to capture all observed elements into one single frame, as reconstruction is hampered by low seismic resolution below the heterogeneous Upper Miocene salt. Our analyses (from outcrop, seismic, well logs, gravimetry, magnetometry, dipmeter, and seismic and magnetic reprocessing), over the last years, allows the definition of a new tectonic model better describing these features: The GOS evolution is placed in a sinistral transtensional regime, reinterpreting the Duwi (WNW-ESE), Clysmic (NW-SE), Aqaba (NNE-SSW), and Cross (NE-SW) trends and the two (twist) accomodation zones, showing two distinct episodes resulting in overprinting of differently trending and tilting fault blocks. Furthermore it tackles perplexities related to the link between subsidence amounts/rates (backstripping), and extension, strain distribution, and episodes/pulses/unconformities. It describes the increase in extension towards the south in the rift-sphenochasm, and resolves the enigmatic relationship between high angle faults (that dominate the area), low angle dipping older faults and rotated pre-rift successions. Our model foresees a two staged evolution: Initial rifting (Early Miocene - E1; Abu Zenima, Nukhul, Rudeis series) occurred along WNW-ESE trending (Duwi) faults disposed in an en-echelon manner as a result of a sinistral transtension. These faults progressively rotated in some areas towards a low angle with accompanied high angle "antithetic" tilted pre-rift strata. Subsidence accelerated during the Early Miocene, and some of these tilted fault blocks show erosion surfaces partly related to the final Early Miocene tectonic pulse. In a second stage (Mio- Pliocene - E2; Kareem, Belayim series, South Garib salt, Zeit evaporates) this pattern is overprinted by a new set of high angle rift faults trending (N)NW-(S)SE (Clysmic) cross-cutting the previous faults, but without any major block rotation. The Late Pliocene-Pleistocene (E3; Post Zeit, Shulher series) large (accelerating) differential uplift and subsidence, shows "synthetic tilting" of the strata along the rift margins, local tectonic inversion, syn- sedimentary detachment along the mobile salt layer with the generation of en-echelon ridges, generating the present day complex fault pattern (sigmoidal intervening trends and cross trends), and differently tilted smaller fault blocks. The new model is fully compatible with the pulsating NNE-NE movement of the Sinai Plate, associated with the NE moving Arabian Plate and Red Sea rifting, and has severe consequences for further Exploration and Development in the GOS, as it describes the configuration of the Hydrocarbon Fields in a more comprehensive way and predicts the occurrences of undiscovered Prospects.

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JP van Dijk - (32)

An Integrated Geological Model for the Greater Cheleken Area Central Caspian Basin, Turkmenistan; Complex Synsedimentary Transcurrent Faulting and Compartmentalization in Plio-Pleistocene Clastic Reservoirs

Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference

The Greater Cheleken Area (GCA) reservoirs, offshore developed by Dragon Oil, are situated on a c... more The Greater Cheleken Area (GCA) reservoirs, offshore developed by Dragon Oil, are situated on a complex NW-SE dextral transcurrent zone which separates the Northern from the Southern Caspian Basin (SCB), hosting numerous hydrocarbon fields in thick, highly faulted Pliocene-Pleistocene clastic successions of the paleo-Amu-Darya Delta System originating in the N-Balkan Fold belt. We present a new model for the geological evolution of the area, based on elaboration and interpretation of 3d seismic data (643 km2), well logs (ca. 300 wells), and a detailed remote sensing study of the Cheleken peninsula, integrated with available published data. The Apsheron-PreBalkan Fault Zone (APBFZ) separates the Southern from the Northern Caspian Basin, and connects to the SE with the Ashgabat ("Main Kopet-Dagh") Fault Zone (AFZ) which separates the Kopet-Dagh fold belt (SE) from the Balkan fold belt and Turan Block (N). These dextral shear zones show activity from at least the Miocene onwa...

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JP van Dijk - (34)

Analysis and Modeling of Fractured Reservoirs

Proceedings of European Petroleum Conference

The analysis and modeling of fracture and fault patterns on various scales has obtained a major r... more The analysis and modeling of fracture and fault patterns on various scales has obtained a major role in hydrocarbon exploration and development. Mainefforts regard the optimization of well bore orientations with respect to fracture network characteristics, the identification of well site locations inorder to enhance productivity, and the improvement of the estimates ofgeometrical parameters such as matrix block sizes and shapes (sigma factor), representative elementary volumes (REV), and fracture porosity distribution forreservoir evaluation. A number of case studies will be presented regarding exploration and production activities in various types of naturally fractured reservoirs with poor primary matrix permeability. The new techniques developed relate to theissues of predicting parameters such as location, density, interrelation and orientation of fracture sets in complex tectono-stratigraphic settings. The optimum location and deviation of an exploration well to be drilled canbe established by applying Fracture Potential and Domain Mapping technologieson elaboration's of high quality 3D seismic datasets (amplitude, geometry, coherency), calibrated with available (oriented) core and log datasets(conventional logs, borehole viewers, borehole shape analysis, etc.). Theoutcome of these methodologies are a series of maps which predict fracturedensity and orientation throughout prospects and reservoirs, which can be used to choose optimum locations for exploration and development wells for which fracture and fault orientations can be predicted. Furthermore, strike domaininterference can help in the detection of fluid flow paths and can give clues to the interpretation of well behavior. Combinations of deterministic and probabilistic three-dimensional modeling of the subseismic fracture zone network provides a sophisticated tool to investigate the tectonic texture of the rocks to be drilled, for which fracture orientation can successfully bepredicted. The remarkable accuracy with which the texture of the fracture network can be analyzed, modeled and predicted applying a range of new technologies is highly encouraging and opens a whole new perspective for challenging future objectives related to the exploration and development of naturally fractured reservoirs. P. 31

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JP van Dijk - (36)

Neogene tectonostratigraphy and kinematics of Calabrian basins; Implications for the geodynamics of the Central Mediterranean

Tectonophysics, Sep 20, 1991

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JP van Dijk - (38)

Fully Integrated Modelling of Subsurface, Remote Sensing and Outcrop Geology; Prospect Generation in the Paleozoic of the Ahnet Basin Algeria

Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference

The fully integrated modelling of subsurface seismic and well data with outcropping surface geolo... more The fully integrated modelling of subsurface seismic and well data with outcropping surface geological data is a challenge in which the application of modern technologies which involves the standardisation of datasets on different scales and from different sources plays a key role. In this paper we present an example of the Paleozoic of the Ahnet Basin in Algeria where a prospect generation exercise was undertaken integrating data from 2d and 3d seismic volumes, logs and core data from previously drilled wells, maps of outcropping geology, and high-resolution remote sensing datasets. The geology of the area is well known from previous studies on both surface geology and well data, and comprises a Paleozoic series unconformably resting on infra-Cambrian relative basem*nt, and made up of clastic sedimentary series with intercalation of limestone sediments ranging from Cambrian to Devonian Age, which comprise various gas bearing tight reservoirs some of which producing in this part of the Basin. These are present in anticlinal structures of Hercynian Age which are partly eroded and covered by Cretaceous bioclastic limestones. The anticlines show a deformational history reflecting an interference of differently oriented Hercynian transpressional deformation patterns overprinted by later stage, Alpine reactivations. Our integrated geological analyses permitted to propose a new updated view on the geological history of the area. This includes the reconstruction of the structural deformation of the Hercynian anticlines, and the reconstruction of the post-Hercynian geological evolution including structural reactivation, showing tilting and upheaval of the area in Alpine and Recent times. An extensive interpretation of outcropping geological structures was performed using high resolution satellite images and specific image processing. This was calibrated with available high-quality geological maps and some later additional limited geological surveys. Detailed well log correlations and seismic interpretation 2d and 3d seismic data provided a detailed framework of subsurface structures. The datasets on surface vand subsurface originally coming from different digital sources were integrated in one uniform interpretation environment using best practice standardization which permitted to drive the seismic interpretation and depth modelling, by carefully calibration with outcropping features such as bedding dip, fault trends and fold axis trends. Applying regional velocity modelling this permitted to correctly map the geological structures and prospects in the area, and perform an articulated exercise of Prospective and Contingent Resources estimates. The application of an integrated geoscientific workflow deploying up-to-date technologies which integrate GIS with a surface-subsurface 3d modelling space shows the validity of new developments of the 4th Industrial Revolution in the planning of E&P Prospect evaluation.

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JP van Dijk - (40)

Challenging Appraisal of Tight Palaeozoic Reservoirs in Algeria; Fault and Fracture Network Analyses and Modeling

82nd EAGE Annual Conference & Exhibition, 2021

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JP van Dijk - (42)

The DMX Protocol; Ringing in a New Era in Discrete 3D Fault and Fracture Modeling

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JP van Dijk - (44)

The new global tectonic map—Analyses and implications

Terra Nova

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JP van Dijk - (46)

Integration of Geophysics and Geology in a Complex Area, Gulf of Suez

Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference, 2019

Dragon Oil (ENOC Group) is operator with 100 % of interest in the exploration East Zeit Bay (EZB)... more Dragon Oil (ENOC Group) is operator with 100 % of interest in the exploration East Zeit Bay (EZB) block, which covers a surface of 93 km2 in an area where producing oil fields are nearby; e.g.: East Zeit, Hilal, Ashrafi, Ashrafi SW, and Zeit Bay fields. The license commitment consists of a seismic acquisition and processing and the drilling of two exploration wells before September 18th, 2019, which corresponds to the end of the extension of the first exploration period. The EZB block is located in the Gulf of Suez (GoS) in an area characterized by very shallow waters, where two coral reef islands emerge during low tide and several obstacles are present, i.e.: an oil terminal, mooring buoys, a waiting area for tankers and fishing and touristic activity. In the period 1969-1984, some 240 km of 2D seismic were acquired within the block using different acquisition parameter sets and processed with inhom*ogeneous flow-charts generating a sparse 2D seismic grid of variable data quality. Some of these data were reprocessed even in PSTM and PSDM, but without any sensible improvement. Furthermore, 3D seismic surveys were also acquired in 1996/1997 and almost cover the entire surface of the EZB block: The Ashrafi Deep Water (DW) survey, obtained towing a streamer, has been recorded in the north-eastern part of the block and the central and western parts have been surveyed by the West Ashrafi campaign in Ocean Bottom Cable (OBC) mode. But this 3D is of very poor quality due to the screening effect of coral covering the sea bottom on the geophone component of the recording. During the last four years, extensive multidisciplinary analyses integrating reprocessing of existing magnetic data with new acquired gravity data and new and reprocessed 2D and 3D seismic data, well log and dipmeter analyses were carried out by Dragon Oil to delineate drillable prospects. Key of the success in generating a valid interpretation was the idea to combine a well site survey, compulsory for rig location, with a 2D seismic survey in an area with restricted vessel maneuverability.

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JP van Dijk - (48)

High Resolution Fracture Analyses and 3d DMX-DFN Modeling of Triassic dolomites, Wadi Bih, Ras Al Khamaih, UAE

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JP van Dijk - (50)

The Houta Prospect Hammamet Basin, Offshore Tunisia as an Example of a New Play in an Old Basin

by JP van Dijk and Achref Boulares

A new play concept is presented for the prospectivity of the Miocene of the Gulf of Hammamet (Cen... more A new play concept is presented for the prospectivity of the Miocene of the Gulf of Hammamet (Central Mediterranean Pelagian Basin, offshore Tunisia), built upon three new elements: the role of the Langhian unconformity, the specific type of migration model, and the mechanism of tectonic inversion, based on an extensive subsurface mapping of the area, on vintage 2d and 3d and newly acquired and processed 3d seismic data using available well logs. The sandstone reservoirs are part of the Oum Douil Group (Serravallian-Tortonian; e.g. Saouaf, Birsa, Zelfa, Somoaa, Beglia Fm’s), and are deposited in the Miocene foreland Basin which developed on the African continental margin, on top of the Langhian unconformity which shows substantial erosion of the Cretaceous-Paleocene sequences, and angular relationships as evident in seismic. We interpret this as related to a foreland bulge connected to the Early Miocene approaching of the Maghrebian (Atlas) mountain front from the North which culmin...

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JP van Dijk - (52)

The Houta Prospect Hammamet Basin, Offshore Tunisia as an Example of a New Play in an Old Basin

A new play concept is presented for the prospectivity of the Miocene of the Gulf of Hammamet (Cen... more A new play concept is presented for the prospectivity of the Miocene of the Gulf of Hammamet (Central Mediterranean Pelagian Basin, offshore Tunisia), built upon three new elements: the role of the Langhian unconformity, the specific type of migration model, and the mechanism of tectonic inversion, based on an extensive subsurface mapping of the area, on vintage 2d and 3d and newly acquired and processed 3d seismic data using available well logs. The sandstone reservoirs are part of the Oum Douil Group (Serravallian-Tortonian; e.g. Saouaf, Birsa, Zelfa, Somoaa, Beglia Fm’s), and are deposited in the Miocene foreland Basin which developed on the African continental margin, on top of the Langhian unconformity which shows substantial erosion of the Cretaceous-Paleocene sequences, and angular relationships as evident in seismic. We interpret this as related to a foreland bulge connected to the Early Miocene approaching of the Maghrebian (Atlas) mountain front from the North which culmin...

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JP van Dijk - (54)

DMX-FMX: Bridging the Gaps Between Data Analyses and Combined Data–Model Driven 3D Fault and Fracture Network Modeling - A Novel Approach

In the present paper new original approach is presented that constitutes the link between the ana... more In the present paper new original approach is presented that constitutes the link between the analyses techniques of fracture and fault (Discontinuity) networks in surface and subsurface such as obtained from borehole imaging, conventional observations and ctscan on cores, laser scan and drone observations on outcrops, and 3d seismic attribute volumes, and the novel DMX Protocol, a numerical code developed over the last 15 years to converge towards a more realistic Discontinuity Network representation in space, on the other. This new methodology uses the following flow chart: The FMX protocol analyses datasets for mathematical characterizations of distributions of parameters such as size, spacing, orientation and truncations (distribution models such as Normal, Power Law, LogNormal, etc.). These data analyses tools are linked to different type of Data Driven Modeling technologies, already presented during the last 25 years, both in 2d and 3d (FPDM statistical mapping of orientation ...

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JP van Dijk - (56)

Fault and Fracture Network Analyses and Modeling in a Challenging Complex Geological Environment - Paleozoic Tight Reservoirs in Algeria

A fully integrated multidisciplinary and multiscale workflow has been applied, using up to date t... more A fully integrated multidisciplinary and multiscale workflow has been applied, using up to date technologies and introducing two new technological components, to investigate upon deliverability of already discovered and proven resources and explore for new reservoirs and prospects in the Palaeozoic of Tinrhert (Ilizzi-Berkine Basin) and M'Sari-Akabli (Ahnet Basin) Blocks (Algeria). Data involved are seismic mapping and depth modeling, seismic attributes processing, well log correlation, image log and stress field analyses, core data and remote sensing data analyses. Two completely new approaches are outlined in this paper which regard data driven DFFN modeling on 3d seismic data, and multiscale treatment of remote sensing data on fractures and faults. Various semi-automated 3d seismic attribute analyses techniques were applied to enhance the visibility of seismic and subseismic fault and fracture zones. Variance/coherency extraction plus "ant tracking" (with applicatio...

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JP van Dijk - (58)

New Insights in the Tectonostratigraphic evolution of the Oman Emirates Thrust Belt; the Key Role of the Jebel Hafit Structure

Jebel Hafit is situated along the border of Oman and the UAE near the city of El Ain, and was sub... more Jebel Hafit is situated along the border of Oman and the UAE near the city of El Ain, and was subject to numerous studies. It is a key analogue of some of the hydrocarbon producing subsurface structures of the Emirates and an important element for the reconstruction of the evolution of the Oman-UAE Thrust Belt. We conducted an integration of detailed multiscale remote sensing study, a review of available surface/subsurface data, and our own field geological surveys, and propose a new revised stratigraphic framework which resolves some of the previously raised perplexities, and a new view on the structural evolution of the thrust belt. According to our reconstruction Jebel Hafit is a steep and narrow, elongated, sigmoidally shaped asymmetrical anticline, which stratigraphy shows an Eocene-Oligocene series starting from thick bedded shallow marine carbonate platform (Rus Fm), developing into an instable slope (megaslumps and bioclastic turbidite series),deepening into a carbonate shel...

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JP van Dijk - (60)

The Analysis of Shear Zones in Calabria; Implica Tions for the Geodynamics of the Central Mediterranean

Systematic analysis of basem*nt structures and Neogene morphotectonic elements -calibrated with r... more Systematic analysis of basem*nt structures and Neogene morphotectonic elements -calibrated with research data on shear zones -has led to the construction of a new synthetic structural model for the Cala­brian Arc. Six fault systems can be distinguished which have generated various types of basins, such as piggy-back,pull-apart and complex oblique strike-slip basins. These systems are determined by three morphotectonic patterns: A) N130 trending segments separated by oblique transversal thrust zones. B) SW-NE trending thrust zones representing the most internal part of the Calabrian accretionary wedge system. C) Radial wedge-shaped segments confining the collapsed Southern Tyrrhenian Basin with accompanying concentric patterns of ten­sional faults internally and dome-shaped uplift centres situated externally, determining the actual arc. The pactterns A and B can be linked to the Serravallian-Early Pliocene development of crustal shear zones ("Strike-Slip Cycle") while patte...

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JP van Dijk - (62)

High Resolution Fracture Analyses and 3d DMX DFN Modeling of Triassic Dolomites; Wadi Bih, Ras Al Khaimah UAE

The present paper regards a high-resolution 3d fracture DMX modelling exercise applied to Triassi... more The present paper regards a high-resolution 3d fracture DMX modelling exercise applied to Triassic dolomites of the Ghail Fm, outcropping along Wadi Bih in the territory of Ras Al-Khaimah (UAE). The outcropping rocks show a low primary porosity, are well bedded and highly fractured (jointed) up to cm scale. They are an equivalent of the hydrocarbon producing Khuff Fm in the subsurface, and as such the exersice shows the relevance of applying new technologies to outcrop observations to confront with subsurface situations. Secondly, the exersize shows several new unique elements and related technologies not presented previously. The workflow presented which allows to arrive from observations to a 3d data driven fracture model, applying new technologies and algorithms using specific modules of the DMX protocol. Data collected comprise direct hand measurements of fractures and bedding planes, and 3d calibrated HR photographs. The scale of the model ranges from cm to meter scale fracture...

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JP van Dijk - (64)

Integration of Geophysics and Geology in a Complex Area, Gulf of Suez

Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference

Dragon Oil (ENOC Group) is operator with 100 % of interest in the exploration East Zeit Bay (EZB)... more Dragon Oil (ENOC Group) is operator with 100 % of interest in the exploration East Zeit Bay (EZB) block, which covers a surface of 93 km 2 in an area where producing oil fields are nearby; e.g.: East Zeit, Hilal, Ashrafi, Ashrafi SW, and Zeit Bay fields. The license commitment consists of a seismic acquisition and processing and the drilling of two exploration wells before September 18 th , 2019, which corresponds to the end of the extension of the first exploration period. The EZB block is located in the Gulf of Suez (GoS) in an area characterized by very shallow waters, where two coral reef islands emerge during low tide and several obstacles are present, i.e.: an oil terminal, mooring buoys, a waiting area for tankers and fishing and touristic activity. In the period 1969-1984, some 240 km of 2D seismic were acquired within the block using different acquisition parameter sets and processed with inhom*ogeneous flow-charts generating a sparse 2D seismic grid of variable data quality...

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JP van Dijk - (66)

The DMX Protocol: A New Generation of Geology Driven 3D Discrete Fault and Fracture Network Modelling

Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference

A new Protocol ("DMX") is presented for 3d DFFN (Discrete Fault and Fracture Network) m... more A new Protocol ("DMX") is presented for 3d DFFN (Discrete Fault and Fracture Network) modelling, a numerical code developed over the last 20 years in order to converge towards a more realistic Discontinuity (fault and fracture) Network representation in space. The protocol introduces the following new features: Fracture interaction, truncation, termination and cross cutting in 3d space based on newly designed collision algorithms and fracture propagation principles; Modelling at any scale range of unlimited basic 3d fracture shapes, specific 3d fracture morphology, and 3d fracture aperture types; A complete integration between classical geological/geomechanical drivers such as stress ellipse, fault zones with 3d slip vectors, and different fold models (axial plane, fold axis and bedding orientation conditioning), geological assembly modelling such as joint spacing and set dependency, offset/faulting, and probabilistic conditioning of any of the parameters and drivers. Examples of the application of the protocol are presented to illustrate few of the unlimited amount of combinations that can be generated in 3d space. Furthermore, an example of the complete flow chart of a calibration to real observed cases is provided. The protocol constitutes a complete game change and opens a range of technological challenges for the future applications in Mining, Civil Engineering and Conventional and Unconventional Oil and Gas Exploration and Production.

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JP van Dijk - (68)

Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production Potential of the Gulf Of Suez Basin in the Framework of the New Tectonostratigraphic Model

SPE Gas & Oil Technology Showcase and Conference

The Gulf of Suez Basin (GOS), a World Class Hydrocarbon Province, is a typical Continental Rift, ... more The Gulf of Suez Basin (GOS), a World Class Hydrocarbon Province, is a typical Continental Rift, but many perplexities arise from the different proposed evolutionary models. Previous models describe extension along (N)NW-(S)SE faults with antithetic half grabens but show numerous difficulties to capture all observed elements into one single frame, as reconstruction is hampered by low seismic resolution below the heterogeneous Upper Miocene salt. Our analyses (from outcrop, seismic, well logs, gravimetry, magnetometry, dipmeter, and seismic and magnetic reprocessing), over the last years, allows the definition of a new tectonic model better describing these features: The GOS evolution is placed in a sinistral transtensional regime, reinterpreting the Duwi (WNW-ESE), Clysmic (NW-SE), Aqaba (NNE-SSW), and Cross (NE-SW) trends and the two (twist) accomodation zones, showing two distinct episodes resulting in overprinting of differently trending and tilting fault blocks. Furthermore, it ...

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JP van Dijk - (70)

A New Model for the Development of the Gulf of Suez Rifting; Implications for Hydrocarbon Exploration and Production Potential

Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference

The Gulf of Suez Basin (GOS), a World Class Hydrocarbon Province, is a typical Continental Rift, ... more The Gulf of Suez Basin (GOS), a World Class Hydrocarbon Province, is a typical Continental Rift, but many perplexities arise from the different proposed evolutionary models. Previous models describe extension along (N)NW-(S)SE faults with antithetic half grabens, but show numerous difficulties to capture all observed elements into one single frame, as reconstruction is hampered by low seismic resolution below the heterogeneous Upper Miocene salt. Our analyses (from outcrop, seismic, well logs, gravimetry, magnetometry, dipmeter, and seismic and magnetic reprocessing), over the last years, allows the definition of a new tectonic model better describing these features: The GOS evolution is placed in a sinistral transtensional regime, reinterpreting the Duwi (WNW-ESE), Clysmic (NW-SE), Aqaba (NNE-SSW), and Cross (NE-SW) trends and the two (twist) accomodation zones, showing two distinct episodes resulting in overprinting of differently trending and tilting fault blocks. Furthermore it tackles perplexities related to the link between subsidence amounts/rates (backstripping), and extension, strain distribution, and episodes/pulses/unconformities. It describes the increase in extension towards the south in the rift-sphenochasm, and resolves the enigmatic relationship between high angle faults (that dominate the area), low angle dipping older faults and rotated pre-rift successions. Our model foresees a two staged evolution: Initial rifting (Early Miocene - E1; Abu Zenima, Nukhul, Rudeis series) occurred along WNW-ESE trending (Duwi) faults disposed in an en-echelon manner as a result of a sinistral transtension. These faults progressively rotated in some areas towards a low angle with accompanied high angle "antithetic" tilted pre-rift strata. Subsidence accelerated during the Early Miocene, and some of these tilted fault blocks show erosion surfaces partly related to the final Early Miocene tectonic pulse. In a second stage (Mio- Pliocene - E2; Kareem, Belayim series, South Garib salt, Zeit evaporates) this pattern is overprinted by a new set of high angle rift faults trending (N)NW-(S)SE (Clysmic) cross-cutting the previous faults, but without any major block rotation. The Late Pliocene-Pleistocene (E3; Post Zeit, Shulher series) large (accelerating) differential uplift and subsidence, shows "synthetic tilting" of the strata along the rift margins, local tectonic inversion, syn- sedimentary detachment along the mobile salt layer with the generation of en-echelon ridges, generating the present day complex fault pattern (sigmoidal intervening trends and cross trends), and differently tilted smaller fault blocks. The new model is fully compatible with the pulsating NNE-NE movement of the Sinai Plate, associated with the NE moving Arabian Plate and Red Sea rifting, and has severe consequences for further Exploration and Development in the GOS, as it describes the configuration of the Hydrocarbon Fields in a more comprehensive way and predicts the occurrences of undiscovered Prospects.

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JP van Dijk - (72)

An Integrated Geological Model for the Greater Cheleken Area Central Caspian Basin, Turkmenistan; Complex Synsedimentary Transcurrent Faulting and Compartmentalization in Plio-Pleistocene Clastic Reservoirs

Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference

The Greater Cheleken Area (GCA) reservoirs, offshore developed by Dragon Oil, are situated on a c... more The Greater Cheleken Area (GCA) reservoirs, offshore developed by Dragon Oil, are situated on a complex NW-SE dextral transcurrent zone which separates the Northern from the Southern Caspian Basin (SCB), hosting numerous hydrocarbon fields in thick, highly faulted Pliocene-Pleistocene clastic successions of the paleo-Amu-Darya Delta System originating in the N-Balkan Fold belt. We present a new model for the geological evolution of the area, based on elaboration and interpretation of 3d seismic data (643 km2), well logs (ca. 300 wells), and a detailed remote sensing study of the Cheleken peninsula, integrated with available published data. The Apsheron-PreBalkan Fault Zone (APBFZ) separates the Southern from the Northern Caspian Basin, and connects to the SE with the Ashgabat ("Main Kopet-Dagh") Fault Zone (AFZ) which separates the Kopet-Dagh fold belt (SE) from the Balkan fold belt and Turan Block (N). These dextral shear zones show activity from at least the Miocene onwa...

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JP van Dijk - (74)

Analysis and Modeling of Fractured Reservoirs

Proceedings of European Petroleum Conference

The analysis and modeling of fracture and fault patterns on various scales has obtained a major r... more The analysis and modeling of fracture and fault patterns on various scales has obtained a major role in hydrocarbon exploration and development. Mainefforts regard the optimization of well bore orientations with respect to fracture network characteristics, the identification of well site locations inorder to enhance productivity, and the improvement of the estimates ofgeometrical parameters such as matrix block sizes and shapes (sigma factor), representative elementary volumes (REV), and fracture porosity distribution forreservoir evaluation. A number of case studies will be presented regarding exploration and production activities in various types of naturally fractured reservoirs with poor primary matrix permeability. The new techniques developed relate to theissues of predicting parameters such as location, density, interrelation and orientation of fracture sets in complex tectono-stratigraphic settings. The optimum location and deviation of an exploration well to be drilled canbe established by applying Fracture Potential and Domain Mapping technologieson elaboration's of high quality 3D seismic datasets (amplitude, geometry, coherency), calibrated with available (oriented) core and log datasets(conventional logs, borehole viewers, borehole shape analysis, etc.). Theoutcome of these methodologies are a series of maps which predict fracturedensity and orientation throughout prospects and reservoirs, which can be used to choose optimum locations for exploration and development wells for which fracture and fault orientations can be predicted. Furthermore, strike domaininterference can help in the detection of fluid flow paths and can give clues to the interpretation of well behavior. Combinations of deterministic and probabilistic three-dimensional modeling of the subseismic fracture zone network provides a sophisticated tool to investigate the tectonic texture of the rocks to be drilled, for which fracture orientation can successfully bepredicted. The remarkable accuracy with which the texture of the fracture network can be analyzed, modeled and predicted applying a range of new technologies is highly encouraging and opens a whole new perspective for challenging future objectives related to the exploration and development of naturally fractured reservoirs. P. 31

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JP van Dijk - (76)

Neogene tectonostratigraphy and kinematics of Calabrian basins; Implications for the geodynamics of the Central Mediterranean

Tectonophysics, Sep 20, 1991

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JP van Dijk - (78)

Fully Integrated Modelling of Subsurface, Remote Sensing and Outcrop Geology; Prospect Generation in the Paleozoic of the Ahnet Basin Algeria

Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference

The fully integrated modelling of subsurface seismic and well data with outcropping surface geolo... more The fully integrated modelling of subsurface seismic and well data with outcropping surface geological data is a challenge in which the application of modern technologies which involves the standardisation of datasets on different scales and from different sources plays a key role. In this paper we present an example of the Paleozoic of the Ahnet Basin in Algeria where a prospect generation exercise was undertaken integrating data from 2d and 3d seismic volumes, logs and core data from previously drilled wells, maps of outcropping geology, and high-resolution remote sensing datasets. The geology of the area is well known from previous studies on both surface geology and well data, and comprises a Paleozoic series unconformably resting on infra-Cambrian relative basem*nt, and made up of clastic sedimentary series with intercalation of limestone sediments ranging from Cambrian to Devonian Age, which comprise various gas bearing tight reservoirs some of which producing in this part of the Basin. These are present in anticlinal structures of Hercynian Age which are partly eroded and covered by Cretaceous bioclastic limestones. The anticlines show a deformational history reflecting an interference of differently oriented Hercynian transpressional deformation patterns overprinted by later stage, Alpine reactivations. Our integrated geological analyses permitted to propose a new updated view on the geological history of the area. This includes the reconstruction of the structural deformation of the Hercynian anticlines, and the reconstruction of the post-Hercynian geological evolution including structural reactivation, showing tilting and upheaval of the area in Alpine and Recent times. An extensive interpretation of outcropping geological structures was performed using high resolution satellite images and specific image processing. This was calibrated with available high-quality geological maps and some later additional limited geological surveys. Detailed well log correlations and seismic interpretation 2d and 3d seismic data provided a detailed framework of subsurface structures. The datasets on surface vand subsurface originally coming from different digital sources were integrated in one uniform interpretation environment using best practice standardization which permitted to drive the seismic interpretation and depth modelling, by carefully calibration with outcropping features such as bedding dip, fault trends and fold axis trends. Applying regional velocity modelling this permitted to correctly map the geological structures and prospects in the area, and perform an articulated exercise of Prospective and Contingent Resources estimates. The application of an integrated geoscientific workflow deploying up-to-date technologies which integrate GIS with a surface-subsurface 3d modelling space shows the validity of new developments of the 4th Industrial Revolution in the planning of E&P Prospect evaluation.

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JP van Dijk - (80)

JP van Dijk - (2024)


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