Chapter 2 part 1 asks (2024)

All responses are in this post for organization. There may be chapter 2 spoilers.

(space to prevent misclick)

Chapter 2 part 1 asks (1)

xmicrophonyx asked:
How long did it take you to make the Insane Literature Girl MV? It looked like you spent a lot of time on it!

Making the drawing and video itself took a little over a month. But I had been planning out the text portions (translation, text excerpts, ideas for puzzles) of it for a little over a year (my planning document dates back to May of last year and somehow amassed 12K words..?).

I wasn’t working on it continuously for a year, though; it was just an on-off project that I was lazily thinking about for a while.

Anonymous asked:
Hi this is a random question but I was wondering if I was just seeing things or not. Does Xander have a tongue piercing? I think in some sprites it looks like he has one and others where it looks like he doesn’t. He is totally my favorite character and I love his design by the way!

It’s not visible in all of his sprites, but he does indeed have a tongue piercing.

He thought if he had one there he could slip it under his old school’s strict “no piercings allowed” policy by just closing his mouth every time a teacher walked by.

Anonymous asked:
one genuine question, was there anything specific you were considering when coming up with the cast’s birthdates? or were they pretty much random

Some of the birthdays are specific dates with meaning, then the rest were filled in throughout the remaining months of the year in a somewhat even temporal spread.

xmicrophonyx asked:
For this chapter’s BDA and fake-out BDA, were they made with 3D assets, just 2D art, or a mix of both? What was the process in making them?

It’s a 2D image with a depth map.

Anonymous asked:
Is the Hope’s Peak the DRDT class went to a high school or something more like a 4-year university for young adults? (Sorry if this has already been addressed somewhere, if the information exists I couldn’t find it.)

The second thing. The US’s Hope’s Peak Academy is post-secondary education. It is equivalent to an American college.

Anonymous asked:
I really love the character Fan-Made MVs you do, like for Min and David! Do you plan on making one for every character?

No. I only make MVs for songs that I think fit a character, that I like, and that I have a good MV idea for, which is not something I can control.

Anonymous asked:
Does David’s new design have a default sprite?

This one is his default sprite.

Anonymous asked:
Hi DRDT Dev! This is more of just a simple question and not so much a chapter specific question.
We know David like to eat simple foods like ready oat meal. But can he cook small meals like scrambled eggs, omelets or things like that?
Oh and how does David normally manage his feelings? I like to think that he journals but this is just a head canon of mine. I’m curious if you could share anything like that about him for us!

  1. He can cook a decent meal, he just prefers not to.
  2. Badly

Anonymous asked:
Do the cast have exact ages or are they just deemed “colleges aged adults”?

They all do have exact ages, down to the day, but that’s a spoiler. For now, just know that they’re over 18.

Anonymous asked:
Something I’d been wondering since Rose had talked about her secret with Teruko: She mentions that she was bailed out and came to work under the Spurling Foundation by Richard Spurling. In Bonus Episode #2 with Xander, he mentions the name Duke Spurling with distaste in regards to the Chariton incident. Are Richard Spurling and Duke Spurling the same person? Or separate people? If they’re the same person, is Duke a nickname or a title?

Duke Spurling and Richard Spurling are different people, but they are brothers. Duke is (was?) a politician. Richard is a billionaire philanthropist who founded the Spurling Foundation. Duke is not officially affiliated with the Spurling Foundation, but he did receive sizable political donations from that foundation while he was still active in politics.

Duke is a first name, by the way, and not a title. Also, Duke is quite old, in the 80-something-ish age range. Basically, old enough to have been alive during the Tragedy.

Anonymous asked:
I was wondering if there are any other characters with canon sexualities?

I said before that I would only confirm sexualities in the story itself, but I changed my mind.

Whit - bisexual
Eden - lesbian
Ace - gay
Veronika - pansexual
David - bisexual with a strong female lean. but he describes himself as “straight but also not opposed to any random impulses that may arise”
Teruko - unlabeled/explicitly ambiguous

Everyone else is subject to interpretation for now.

citrusircus asked:
You’ve stated before that you don’t want any of your assets used with AI, but I’d still like to ask whether or not this extends to the site (considering no intellectual properly is actually used to make these). Completely understandable if you’d rather people not touch it! Just wanted to clarify.

I don’t like

tophats-tea asked:
Was there a particular incident that caused the scar on Charles’ arm, or was it just a usual chemical spill from working as a chemist?

It’s a dog bite scar.

Charles is under the impression that it’s a birthmark.

Anonymous asked:
why does hu have claws on her hand?

Those are not claws. They are plectra for guzheng.

Chapter 2 part 1 asks (2)
Chapter 2 part 1 asks (3)

shi-daisy asked:
For my question, I’d like to ask is there anything random you can tell us about Levi? He’s my favorite character and I’d love to know any miscellaneous details about him be it preferences or silly info you may have of him or how you came up with his character. Thanks in advance!

He has an almost unruly sweet tooth and will consume an entire bowl of lollipops (his favorite candy) in an hour if he doesn’t watch himself.

If you see him in future art with a white stick of some sort in his mouth it’s almost certainly a lollipop.

murderacademia asked:
Ooh, do you have a random fun fact about Charles as well? :) he’s a big fave of mine! Thank u!

He’s secretly very attached to his hair length, and doesn’t like the idea of cutting it short.

welpuu asked:
do the cast all have favourite colours? if so which ones? (also sorry if this was already asked 😭)

Teruko: red (reasoning: association)
Charles: “Why would I assign emotional value to colors? That’s a ridiculous waste of energy.” (cerulean)
Whit: neon pink (reasoning: “Pink!!”)
Rose: lilac (reasoning: likes subdued colors for their subtlety)
Arturo: blueish white (reasoning: sterile)
Levi: cerise pink (reasoning: feminine)
Eden: daffodil yellow (reasoning: happy)
J: black (reasoning: cool)
Hu: emerald green (reasoning: elegant)
Nico: none (reasoning: no interest)
Ace: dark blue/purple (reasoning: refuses to provide reasoning)
Arei: azure (reasoning: “I’m blue, so clearly it’s the best color!”)
Min: taupe (reasoning: comforting)
Xander: bright red (reasoning: passionate color)
Veronika: white in conjunction with other colors (reasoning: brings out other colors well)
David: gamboge (reasoning: inspiring)

Since I’m on the topic, here are least favorite colors as well.

Teruko: pitch black (reasoning: unsettling)
Charles: dark red (reasoning: looks like blood)
Whit: gray (reasoning: boring)
Rose: none (reasoning: all colors have their value in the right situations)
Arturo: neon colors (reasoning: tasteless)
Levi: neon yellow (reasoning: a little hard to style)
Eden: blue (reasoning: “Kind of a downer color…”)
J: pink (reasoning: obvious)
Hu: blueish white (reasoning: sterile)
Nico: white (reasoning: unsettling)
Ace: titian (reasoning: doesn’t like himself)
Arei: green (reasoning: looks like puke)
Min: white and pink together (reasoning: annoying)
Xander: dark red (reasoning: looks like blood)
Veronika: white in the absence of other colors (reasoning: soulless)
David: gray (reasoning: depressing)

cuckaracha asked:
but also for a real cool and sexy question. Can we have a totally normal and not f*cked up fact about Ace?

When I designed Ace from the start, I wanted him to wear heels (because he is short), but I thought that it was inaccurate for a jockey’s outfit, and I didn’t do it. But then later I remembered that he isn’t jockeying at the moment, so it would have been fine if he wore heels. In any case I decided it’d be okay to add them back in his new design.

When it comes to jockeying, Ace wishes he was shorter (he is on the tall side for a male jockey), but for all other aspects of life he might find it bothersome to be shorter than everyone else. So he might have a tendency to wear shoes that enhance his height. Subtly of course.

Also, he has 9 siblings.

Anonymous asked:
taking a note from the levi asker, are there any random fun facts about nico or veronika that you have? those two are my favorites!

Nico cuts their own hair. Veronika’s single green earring is a ‘good luck charm’ given to her by her dearest friend.

welpuu asked:
another simple question sorry…im curious about if any of them have favourite ice cream flavours…or like maybe flavours in general? unless thats too broad then the ice cream flavours is fine 😭

Teruko - red bean
Charles - coffee
Whit - vanilla
Rose - red velvet
Arturo - chocolate mint
Levi - caramel
Eden - honeycomb
J - black sesame
Hu - rose
Nico - “the flavor” (doesn’t elaborate further)
Arei - birthday cake
Min - lemon
Xander - sauerkraut???
Veronika - funfetti
David - pistachio
Ace - frozen bananas (actual frozen bananas, not ice cream)

sunriseindigo asked:
does rose have a favorite art medium (acrylics, colored pencils, graphite, etc)? also, does she do digital art or is she strictly traditional?

Paints are her specialty, particularly oil, and she rarely uses any other medium. She does not do digital art.

Anonymous asked:
would you be willing to spare any fun information about Rose?

Her whole family has plant-themed naming.

  • Daisy (older sister)
  • Saffron (younger brother)
  • Holly (mom)
  • Iris (mom)

xmicrophonyx asked:
Is there any concept art of the DRDT cast?

There is, but it’s so embarrassingly awful that I don’t think it will see the light of day any time soon.

Other than this.

Chapter 2 part 1 asks (4)

I’m certain is the first ever drawing of DT. I guess Arei used to have black hair.

Anonymous asked:
what does the cast smell like :)

Teruko - Dirt, sawdust, burnt smell
Charles - Laundry detergent
Rose - Paint and chemicals
Arturo - Antiseptic
Hu - Womanly perfume (light)
Veronika - Womanly perfume (heavy)
David - Men’s cologne (light)
Levi - Men’s cologne (heavy). Also, somewhat faintly, leather
Nico - Cat
Ace - Sweat and menthol
Min - Lavender/eucalyptus/lemons/whatever essential oil she decided to use that day
Whit - Fruity fun shampoo (for kids)
Xander - Men’s 3 In One Body Wash (for men). Also, somewhat faintly, gunpowder
MonoTV - metal and burning rubber

Anonymous asked:
Is the Spurling Foundation and XF-Ture Tech the same thing?

They are totally unrelated institutions. The former is a philanthropic organization, the latter is a for-profit tech company (that also seems to do a lot of other things).

spyrkle4 asked:
Question! Will sometime in the future will we know a little more about the sibling characters of some of the cast members? I honestly am just curious about J’s brother and wanna know more about him

It’s good to have names to refer to characters, so here are the names of some characters who have been referred to in the story (and additional information about other characters as well)

Fuyuko + Natsuko Nageishi (Arei’s older sisters, by around 2-5 years): They are identical twins, in both appearance and persona. Actually, their appearances are mirrored. The two of them are always seen together and share everything with each other. They are best friends and very close.

Ryan Rosales (J’s younger brother, by about 1-2 years): He likes playing video games, and the two of them play games often. He also loves annoying J. One of his hobbies is cross-dressing.

Elliot “Ellie” Cuevas (Charles’ older brother, by about 11-13 years): Although he has not had an appearance yet, he looks shockingly similar to how Charles looks now. His favorite food is pancakes and his favorite animal is dogs.

Felicity Giles (Arturo’s younger sister, by about 3-4 years): She also has not made an appearance yet. She has low self-esteem and admires Arturo a lot.

These characters (and others) have reference sheets, but those are meant for internal use only, so maybe later I will draw reference of their designs to show you all.

zamazencian asked:
Is there a fun fact about Xander you could share? He’s my favorite guy :D

He has a very weak sense of taste, and most normal foods taste bland to him. As a result, anything he cooks has an overwhelmingly strong flavor that makes it almost inedible to other people. He seems unaware of this.

sourapplecake asked:
what kind of accent does xander have? i can’t tell if it’s british or australian or what 😭🙏 <- a little slow


Anonymous asked:
Do you ever have any plans of making promotional splash art in the future? I apologize if this has already been asked!!

Not really.

Anonymous asked:
Is Min, like… truly really into essential oils and healing stuff?

She is aware that essential oils don’t have any scientifically proven meaningfully significant benefits, but finds them relaxing nonetheless.

Anonymous asked:
Does David wear hairclips because he likes them or is there some other reason?

It’s his manager’s idea for “branding.” But David thinks they’re embarrassingly stupid looking and doesn’t like wearing them.

saraanzu asked:
do you have the death order for the rest of the show decided in your head already, or are you figuring it out as you go along?

Decided from the start.

xmicrophonyx asked:
Any fun facts about Whit?

He’s the best cook in the cast. His specialty is French.

Anonymous asked:
where did David’s hairclip’s go after he had his little transformation in chap2? cuz it looked like he ate them lol

Anonymous asked:
hi, sorry if this is a silly question but how do you pronounce davids surname? ive seen it pronounced “chee - em” or “keem” but i just wanted to know if there’s an official way to say it teehee


chee as in cheese

em as in seem

0-kaiya-0 asked:
Will there be more FTEs?

Maybe, but I’m not sure I want to put out any more polls.

Anonymous asked:
will there be any canon couples?

I’m not one to write romance, so don’t count on it.

Anonymous asked:
Are people allowed to make nsfw content of your characters?


Anonymous asked:
How is Veronikas last name pronounced?


Gre as in regret

ben as in the name Ben

shi as in shiba inu

ko as in cold

By the way, here’s a tip for (approximate) name pronunciation. If you can identify the origin of the name, go to Google Translate, type it in the left box, set the left language to the appropriate language, and hit the speaker/play button to have it read out-loud.

Chapter 2 part 1 asks (2024)


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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

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Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.