BB Shockwave's sales - MinisGallery Discussion Forum (2024)

I realize now I only have my list in the Trade section, so best move it here as well!

In fore-warning, I am located in Hungary. I am happy to trade/sell outside Europe but be aware that shipping costs more there.
I have accumulated tons of surplus minis over the years, mostly from newer sets but quite a few older ones as well. I have D&D (WotC), D&D Icons of the Realms, Pathfinder Battles, Mage Knight, Horrorclix, Dreamblade, even some Heroclix, as well as some Chaotic cards.
I have priced all the minis based on average Ebay sale prices, though I still have to update the Mage Knight/Dreamblade prices. Will do that shortly. I accept payment via Paypal or bank transfer too. I added prices in USD but I accept other currencies too.
(Note: Mage Knight minis are hard to price via the above method, so I used Troll&Toad prices for all but the most rare/special ones that can actually be found by name, such as super uniques and special releases)

Contact me via PM or email (

Dungeons & Dragons - WotC DDMs



#24 Gnome Recruit (Small, C) 4$
#32 Azer Raider (Medium, C) 4,5$
#56 Troglodyte Zombie (Medium, C) 3$

#17 Bladesinger (Medium, R) 7,5$

#40 Zhentarim Fighter (Medium, C) 3,7$

]#14 Cleric of Garl Glittergold (Small, U) 3,95$
#43 Silent Wolf Goblin (Small, C) 2,5$

#13 Celestial Dire Badger (Medium, C)+card 4,5$
#13 Celestial Dire Badger (Medium, C) 4,5$
#21 Ibixian (Medium, C) 2,5$

#24 Undying Soldier (Medium, U)+card 3$
#28 Giant Frog (Medium, C)3$
#34 Goblin Adept (Small, C) 2,3$

#36 Grim Necromancer (Medium, U) 4,2$
#41 Skullcrusher Ogre (Large, U) 4,75$

#43 Spellstitched Hobgobling Zombie (Medium, C)+card 3$
#46 Bloodhulk Fighter (Medium, U) 6$
#48 Bullywug Thug (Medium, C)+card 5$
#48 Bullywug Thug (Medium, C) 4,5$
#56 Kenku Sneak x3 (Medium, C)+card 5$ each
#57 Orc Savage (Medium, C)+card 3,5$

#18 Elf Swashbuckler (Medium, U) 3,2$
#28 Weretiger (Large, U) 7$

#30 Xeph Warrior 2,5$
#47 Orog Warlord (Medium, R) 9$
#52 Bugbear Champion of Erythnul (Medium, U) 4$
#54 Fiendish Dire Wolverine x3 (Large, U) 5,3$ each

#57 Ophidian (Medium, C)+card 3$

#04 Githzerai Monk (Medium, C) 3,3$
#05 Gold Dwarf Soldier (Medium, C) 3$

#07 Lantern Bearer (Medium, U) 3,5$
#11 Royal Guard (Medium, C) 3,5$
#29 Monitor Lizard x2 (Medium, C) 3,5$ each

#33 Dark Naga (Promo version) (Large, U) 5$
#33 Dark Naga (Large, U) 5$
#40 Troglodyte Captain (Medium, U) 4$
#60 Winter Wolf (Large, U) 6$

War Drums
#05 Combat Medic (Medium, U) 3,9$
#46 Derro (Small, C) 2,5$
#57 Howling Orc (Medium, C) 3$

War of the Dragon Queen

#01 Aasimar Fighter x2 (Medium, C) 4,5$ each
#17 Tavern Brawler x3 (Medium, C)+card 4$ each
#22 War Ape (Medium, C) 3,5$

#26 Bluespawn Godslayer (Huge, U) 11$
#28 Diseased Dire Rat x3 (Medium, C)+card 3,7$ each
#29 Displacer Beast Packlord (Huge, U) 10$
#44 Cloudreaver (Medium, C)+card 3$
#44 Cloudreaver (Medium, C) 2,5$

#51 Ogre Skirmisher (Large, U) 5$
#58 Twig Blight (Small, C)+card 10$
#59 Whitespawn Hordeling (Small, C)+card 2,5$

Blood War
#06 Half-Orc Spy (Medium, U)+card 5$
#06 Half-Orc Spy (Medium, U) 5$

#07 Hammerer (Medium, C) 3$
#11 Soldier of Bytopia x2 (Small, C)+card 3$ each

#21 Pho*ra (Medium, U) 5$
#32 Greenspawn Sneak x2 (Small, C)+card 3$ each

#38 Large Water Elemental (Large, U) 6,5$
#47 Doomguard x2 =(Medium, C) 2,5$ each
#49 Ethereal Maraduer (Medium, U) 4$
#58 Skeletal Reaper (Medium, C) 2,5$

#05 Knight of the Chalice x4 (Medium, C) 3$ each
#07 Phalanx Soldier x2 (Medium, C) 4$ each
#26 Wild Elf Warsinger (Medium, C)
#38 Duergar Slaver (Medium, C) 4,5$
#48 Bugbear Gang Leader x3 (Medium, C) 4$ each

#54 Intellect Devourer x2 (Medium, U) 4,5$ each
#28 High Inquisitor (Medium, U) 4$
#58 Tiefling Warlock (Medium, U)+card 6$
#59 Vampire Dire Wolf (Large, U) 9$

Night Below
#05 Delver Sergeant (Medium, C)+card 2$
#34 Ice Mephit (Small, U) +card 9$
#55 Drow Enforcer (broken sword) (Medium, U) 8$

Desert of Desolation
#17 Eternal Blade (Medium, U)+card 3$
#19 Halfling Rogue (Small, U) +card 4$
#22 Visejaw Crocodile (Large, U)+card 12$

Dungeons of Dread
#31 Gnoll Marauder (Medium, C)+card 4$
#35 Human Fighter (Medium, U)+card 5$
#36 Iron Defender (Medium, C)+card 5$
#44 Grick x2 (Medium, C)+card 6$ each
#54 Deathjump Spider (Medium, C)+card 4,5$

#55 Fen Hydra (Large, R)+card 40$

#06 Infernal Armor (Medium, C)3$
#33 Scythejaw x2 (Medium, U) 3$ each
#41 Cyclops Hewer (Large, R) 9$
#51 Troglodyte Brute (Medium, C)+card 3$
#51 Troglodyte Brute x3 (Medium, C) 2,5$ each

Dangerous Delves
#23 Grimlock Minion (Medium, C)+card 2$
#27 Kobold Wyrmpriest (Small, U) 4$
#32 Orc Terrorblade (Medium, C)+card 3$
#33 Rust Monster x4 (Medium, U) 9$ each

Savage Encounters
#28 Rat Swarm (Medium, C)+card 6$

Lords of Madness
#14 Efreet Fireblade x2 (Large, U) +card 6,5$ each
#22 Human Town Guard (Medium, C)+card 5$
#25 Kenku Warrior x2 (Medium, C)+card 5$ each
#27 Kobold Slinger (Small, C)+card 4$
#41 Shadar-Kai Warrior x3 (Medium, C)+card 2$
#45 Skeleton (Medium, C)+card 5,5$

#54 Water Archon Shoal Reaver (Medium, U)+card 5,5$

Player's Handbook Heroes 1
#02 Female Dragonborn Rogue x2 (Medium, Visible) 15$ each
#04 Male Tiefling Warlord (Medium, Visible) 9$
#18 Male Goliath Barbarian (Medium, Visible) 17$

Dungeons & Dragons - Icons of the Realms



Tyranny of Dragons
#01 Rock Gnome Female Wizard x2 (Small, C) 2,5$
#02 Stout Heart Female Halfling Bard (Invisible) (Small, VR) 3$
#04 Svirfnebling Fighter (Small, C) 3$
#05 Kobold Fighter (Small, C) 4$
#06 Goblin Fighter (Small, C) 4$
#09 Sun Elf Guard x2 (Medium, C) 3$ each
#10 Orc Fighter (Medium, C) 3,5$
#12 Hobgoblin Fighter x2 (Medium, C) 4$ each

#26 Stone Giant Elder (Large, U) 6$
#27 Frost Giant (Large, U) 11$

#46 Drow Elf Ranger Drizzt (Invisible) (Medium, VR) 6$
#51 Lightfoot Halfling Rogue (Invisible) (Small, VR) 3$

Elemental Evil
#07 Shield Dwarf Fighter (Medium, C) 1,8$

Rage of Demons
#01 Derro (Small, C) 2$
#03 Kobold Guard x2 (Small, C) 3$each
#05 Quasit (Small, C) 3,5$
#11 Lizardfolk Fighter (Medium, C) 5,5$
#12 Hobgoblin Soldier x3 (Medium, C) 4$ each

#20 Shadow Demon (Medium, U) - missing base - 4$
#33 Efreet (Large, U) 6,5$

Monster Menagerie 1
#05 Jarhild Stoneforge (Medium, C) 3$

Storm King's Thunder
#02 Sprite with sword x2 (Small, C) 2,5$ each
#03 Sprite with bow (Small, C) 2,5$
#04 Darkmantle (Small, C) 3,2$
#05 Homunculus x3 (Small, C) 2$ each
#06 Cazi Alphelandra x2 (Small, C) 1,75$ each
#07 Crag Ungart x3 (Medium, C) 1,75$ each
#07 Crag Ungart (Invisible) (Medium, VR) 3$
#09 Scarecrow x2 (Medium, C) 3$ each
#10 Kenku with shortsword (Medium, C) 4,5$
#11 Kenku with shortbow x3 (Medium, C) 4,5$ each

#15 Bandit (Medium, U) 5,5$
#24 Azer (Medium, U) 4$

Monster Menagerie 2
#01 Giant Rat (Small, C) 6$
#02 Kobold x2 (Small, C) 3$ each
#03 Goblin x3 (Small, C) 3,5$ each
#04 Halfling Rogue x2 (Small, C) 3$ each

#04 Halfling Rogue (Invisible) (Small, VR) 3$
#05 Bullywug x3 (Medium, C) 3,5$ each
#07 Orc with warhammer x4 (Medium, C) 3,4$ each
#08 Ghast x2 (Medium, C) 3$ each
#12 Bugbear female with axe x2 (Medium, C) 3$

#14 Kobold in helmet (Small, U) 3,5$
#15 Goblin with double axe (Small, U) 4$
#18A Hobgoblin female with sword and shield (Medium, U) 5$
#21 Human Wizard (Medium, U) 5$
#25 Black Pudding (Large, U) 7$
#27 Hippogriff x2 (Large, U) 3,5$ each
#29 Planetar Angel x2 (Large, U) 4$ each

Tomb of Annihilation
#01 Redcap (Small, C) 3$
#02 Batiri Goblin x3 (Small, C) 2$
#03 Vegepygmy (Small, C) 2$
#04 Zorbo x2 (Small,C) 2,5$ each

#07A Invisible Qawasha (Medium, VR) 3$
#08B Orc with sword (Medium, C) 4,5$
#11 Su Monster (Medium, C) 2,5$
#12B Firenewt with fireball (Medium, C) 3$
#13 Aldani x2 (Medium, C) 2$ each

#14 Vegepygmy Chief x2 (Small, U) 2,5$ each
#15 Batiri Goblin with mask x2 (Small, U) 2,5$ each
#17 Aldani with trident and net x2 (Medium, U) 2$ each
#27 Kamadan x3 (Large, U) 2,5$ each
#28 Pterafolk x2 (Large, U) 3,7$ each
#31 Girallon x2 (Large, U) 3,5$ each

Monster Menagerie 3
#03 Stirge (Small, C) 5$
#05 Kobold x3 (Small, C) 3$ each
#11A Gnome Wizard with dagger (Small, C) 2,5$

#16 Gnoll Flesh Gnawer (Medium, U) 4,5$
#27 Mouth of Grolantor (Huge, U) 4,5$

Waterdeep Dragon Heist
#03 Vargouille x3 (Small, C) 1,5$ each
#04A City Guard with spear (Medium, C) 5,5$
#07A City Watch (Medium, C) 4$
#07B City Watch (Medium, C) 4$
#08A Apprentice Wizard with staff (Medium, C) 2,5$
#08B Apprentice Wizard with wand (Medium, C) 2,5$
#09 Ziraj the Hunter x2 (Medium, C) 3$ each
#11 Human Sun Soul Monk x2 (Medium, C) 2$ each

#14 Vargouille with brown hair x2 (Small, U) 1,5$ each
#16B Spy with downwards pointing swords (Medium, U) 5$
#18 Slithering Tracker x2 (Medium, U) 2,5$ each
#23 The Black Viper x2 (Medium, U) 4$ each
#24 Animated Door x2 (Medium, U) 2,5$ each
#27 Shield Guardian x3 (Large, U) 5$ each

Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica
#13 Blistercoil Weird (Medium, C) 2,5$

Waterdeep - Dungeon of the Mad Mage
#01 Flumph x2 (Small, C) 4,3$ each
#04 Flying Sword x2 (Small, C) 3$ each
#05 Tressym x3 (Small, C) 2$ each
#10 Shadow x2 (Medium, C) 7,5$ each
#12 Grey Ooze (Medium, C) 2,75$

#22 Bheur Hag x2 (Medium, U) 4$ each
#25 Froghemoth x2 (Huge, U) 9$ each
#28 Scaladar x3 (Huge, U) 3,5$ each
#30 Murial x2 (Large, U) 2,5$ each
#32B Minotaur Skeleton with maul (Large, U) 5,5$

#34 Necromancer (Invisible) (Medium, VR) 7$

Baldur's Gate - Descent into Avernus
#03 Legion Spined Devil with fork x4 (Small, C) 4$ each
#05 Barnabus the Flameskull x4 (Small, C) 3,5$ each
#06 Legion Barbed Devil x2 (Medium, C) 3$ each
#09 Abyssal Chicken x3 (Small, C) 2$ each
#10 Merrenoloth (Medium, C) 2,5$
#11 Legion Imp x4 (Small, C) 2,4$ each
#12 Yeenoghu's Dretch (Small, C) 2,4$
#13 Merregon with halberd x2 (Medium, C) 1,5$ each

#15 Legion Spined Devil with shield x2 (Small, U) 3,5$ each
#17 Merregon with lucrene hammer (Medium, U) 1,5$
#20 Maw Demon x4 (Medium, U) 3,5$
#28 Yagnoloth x2 (Large, U) 2$ each
#31 Mickey the Flesh Golem x2 (Large, U)2,5$
#32A Armanite (Large, U) 3,5$

Infernal War Machine (Gargantuan, Unique) 50$ (with front of box)

Volo's and Mordenkainen's Foes
#01 Bodak (Medium, C) 4,5$
#04 Chitine x2 (Small, C) 2,3$ each
#05 Orc Claw of Luthic x2 (Medium, C) 2$ each
#06 Tortle x2 (Medium, C) 2,5$ each
#09 Wood Woad x2 (Medium, C) 2,3$ each
#10 Cave Fisher x2 (Medium, C) 3,2$ each
#11 Korred x2 (Small, C) 1,5$ each
#13 Meazel with sword (Medium, C) 1,2$

#15 Gnoll Pack Leader x2 (Medium, U) 4$ each
#16 Tortle Druid x2 (Medium, U) 3$ each
#17 Meazel with garotte x2 (Medium, U) 1,5$ each
#20 Choldrith (Medium, U) 4$
#21B Skull Lord with spell effect (Medium, U) 3,5$
#27 Boneclaw x2 (Large, U) 6$ each
#29 Steel Predator (Large, U) 3$
#30 Venom Troll (Large, U) 4,5$

Eberron: Rising from the Last War
#02 Karnathi Skeleton (Medium, C) 4,2$
#04 Iron Defender (Medium, C) 3$
#13 Dolgrim (Medium, C) 3$

#21 Tsucora Quori (Medium, U) 4,5$
#36 Kalaraq Quori (Medium, R) 13$
#44 Sul Katesh (Large, R) 29$

Fangs and Talon
#01 Goliath Fighter with sword x2 (Medium, C) 2$ each
#03 Twig Blight x3 (Small, C) 7$
#04 Almiraj x3 (Small, C) 1,5$
#05 Boggle x2 (Small, C) 2$
#06 Animated Armor (Medium, C) 7$
#08 Giant Wolf Spider x2 (Medium, C) 4$
#09 Lizardfolk (Medium, C) 5$
#11 Pack Mule (Medium, C) 6$
#12 Skulk x2 (Medium, C) 1,5$ each
#13 Vine Blight x3 (Medium, C) 4$ each

#14 Goliath Fighter with warhammer x2 (Medium, U) 2$ each
#19 Berbalang x3 (Medium, U) 2$ each
#21 Mimic (Door) (Medium, U) 8$
#24A Kobold Scale Sorcerer (Small, U) 4$
#25 Water Elemental (Large, U) 5,5$
#30 Tyrannosaurus Rex (Huge, U) 15$
#34 Tabaxi Fighter (Medium, R) 7,5$
#37 Green Hag (Medium, R) 6$

Mythic Odysseys of Theros
#01 Returned Palamnite x3 (Medium, C) 2$ each
#02 Akroan Hoplite x2 (Medium, C) 3,3$ each
#04 Anvilwrought Raptor x4 (Small, C) 1,7$ each
#06 Basilisk x3 (Medium, C) 4$ each
#07 Nymph, Dryad x3 (Medium, C) 1,5$ each
#08 Nymph, Alseid x4 (Medium, C) 1,2$ each
#10 Leonin Swiftclaw x3 (Medium, C) 3$ each
#13 Human Paladin x3 (Medium, C) 2,5$ each

#14 Returned Sentry x2 (Medium, U) 3$ each
#16 Medusa x3 (Medium, U) 6$ each
#17 Centaur Ranger x2 (Medium, U) 4,5$ each
#18 Ghostblade Eidolon x4 (Medium, U) 1,8$ each
#21 Nymph, Oread x2 (Medium, U) 2,5$
#22 Triton Master of the Waves x3 (Medium, U) 2$
#23 Leonin Iconoclast x2 (Medium, U) 3,5$
#24B Satyr Thornbearer (Medium, U) 8$
#27 Emissary of Thassa x2 (Large, U) 9$ each
#28 Chimera (Large, U) 4$
#30 Catoblepas x2 (Large, U) 3,5$ each
#31 Thought-Render Lamia x2 (Large, U) 2$ each
#32 Emissary of Purphoros x2 (Huge, U) 4$ each
#33 Emissary of Erebos x3 (Huge, U) 8$ each

#35 Aphemia, the Dissonant Song (Medium, R) - broken at the waist, glued - 8$
#37 Dalakos, Crafter of Wonders (Medium, R) 4$
#38 Taranika, Regent of Akros (Medium, R) 4$
#40 Woe Strider (Large, R) 15$
#42 Hythonia the Cruel (Large, R) 20$
#43 Doomwake Giant (Huge, R) 10$

Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden
#01 Reghed Nomad with Cage x3 (Medium, C) 2$ each
#03 Chwinga with Snowball x2 (Small, C) 1,5$ each
#05 Yeti Tyke x3 (Small, C) 2,5$ each
#09 Knucklehead Trout x4 (Small, C) 2,5$ each
#13 Kobold Vampire Spawn x3 (Small, C) 2,5$ each

#14 Reghed Nomad with Spear x2 (Medium, U) 3$ each
#16 Chwinga with Icicle Staff x2 (Small, U) 1,8$ each
#17 Duergar Stone Guard (Medium, U) 5,5$
#19 Sled Dogs (Medium, U) 3,5$
#20 Wolf x2 (Medium, U) 6$ each
#21 Gnome Squidling (Small, U) 3$
#22 Gnome Ceremorph (Small, U) 3,5$
#32 Mammoth 1 (Huge, U) 8$
#33 Frost Salamander x2 (Huge, U) 6$ each

Yeti Tykes promo 3-pack (Small, Unique) - all 3, boxed - 90$

#02 Skeleton (Human with bow) x2 (Medium, C) 4$ each
#04 Will-o'-Wisp (Small, C) 3$
#05 Skeleton (Gnome) x3 (Medium, C) 2,5$ each
#10 Spawn of Kyuss x2 (Medium, C) 2$ each
#11 Drowned Assassin x4 (Medium, C) 1,8$ each
#13 Phantom Warrior (Medium, C) 3$

#14 Zombie (Elf) (Medium, U) 3$
#15 Skeleton (Dwarf) x2 (Medium, U) 4,5$ each
#21 Death Slaad (Medium, U) 4$
#25 Otyugh (Large, U) 5$
#28 Ogre Zombie x2 (Large, U) 7$ each
#29 Warhorse Skeleton (Large, U) 4$
#30 Skittering Horror (Huge, U) 8$
#31 Elder Black Pudding (Huge, U) 7$
#32 Hill Giant Skeleton (Huge, U) 9$
#45 Atropal (Huge, R) 32$

#02 Demos Magen x2 (Medium, C) 3$
#04 Galvan Magen x3 (Medium, C) 3$
#04 Hypnos Magen x4 (Medium, C) 2,5$
#05 Skeletal Sentinel x3 (Medium, C) 4$
#06 Duergar Hammerer x2 (Medium, C) 3$
#07 Psychic Grey Ooze x2 (Medium, C) 4,5$
#08 Griffon Hatchling x3 (Small, C) 3$
#09 Myconid Adult (Medium, C) 5$
#10 Bullywug (Medium, C) 4$
#12 Ice Mephit x2 (Small, C) 5,5$

#14 Coldlight Walker x2 (Medium, U) 6$
#15 Deva (Medium, U) 4$
#16 Gargoyle (Medium, U) 4,5$
#17 Myconid Sprout (Small, U) 5,5$
#18 Dryad (Medium, U) 2,5$
#19 Gnoll Fang of Yeenoghu (Medium, U) 5,5$
#20 Chardalyn Pseudodragon x2 (Small, U) 4,5$
#21 Bullywug Croaker x3 (Medium, U) 4,5$
#25 Locathah (Medium, U) 5$
#26 Ice Troll (Large, U) 7$
#27 Spitting Mimic (Large, U) 5$
#30 Axe Beak x2 (Large, U) 9$
#34 Warforged Titan x2 (Huge, U) 9$

The Wild Beyond the Witchlight
#01 Brigannock Miner (Small, C) 1,4$
#18 Chucklehead (Medium, U) 3$
#19 Squirt (Small, U) 2$
#22 Clapperclaw (Medium, U) 3$
#25 Darkling Elder (Medium, U) 4,5$

#41 Skabatha Nightshade (Medium, R)
#45 Sugarplum (Large, R) - 40$ for both together

Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft
#01 Loup-Garou (Medium, C) 4,5$
#02 Bagman x2 (Medium, C) 2,5$ each
#03 Carrion Stalker x2 (Small, C) 3,5$ each
#04 Vax Replica x2 (Medium, C) 1,3$ each
#05 Strigoi x3 (Medium, C) 3,5$ each
#06 Skeleton Archer x3 (Medium, C) 4,5$ each
#07 Wereraven x2 (Medium, C) 10$ each
#08 Crocodile Headed Mummy (Medium, C)
#11 Nosferatu x3 (Medium, C) 4,5$
#12 Gremishka x2 (Small, C) 3$
#13 Boneless x2 (Medium, C) 5$

#14 Vampiric Tatyana (Medium, U) 3$
#16 Mother Lorinda (Medium, U) 2$
#17 Ghost of Erasmus x2 (Medium, U) 2$ each
#18 Whistling Fiend x2 (Medium, U) 4,5$ each
#19 Gallows Speaker x2 (Medium, U) 3$ each
#20 Necrichor (Medium, U) 7$
#23 Alanik Ray x2 (Medium, U) 3$
#24 Dr. Viktra Mordenheim x2 (Medium, U) 3,5$
#25 Death Knight x2 (Medium, U) 9$
#26 Relentless Killer x2 (Large, U) 6$
#27 Zombie Clot x3 (Huge, U) 15$
#28 Amber Monolith x3 (Large, U) 5$
#29 Headless Monster x2 (Large, U) 3,5$
#30 Ivana Boritsi x3 (Medium, U) 5,5$
#31 Ivan Dilisnya x3 (Medium, U) 2$
#32 Manifestation of Laoirse x2 (Large, U) 3,5$ each
#33 Bodytaker Plant x2 (Huge, U) 10$ each
#34 Chakuna x2 (Medium, U) 2$ each

Fizban's Treasury of Dragons
#01 Egg Hunter Adult x3 (Small, C) 1,2$ each
#03 Dragon Chosen x2 (Medium, C) 1,5$ each
#04 Dragon Speaker x2 (Small, C) 1,2$ each
#05 Hoard Scarab x2 (Small, C) 2,5$ each
#06 Kobold Zombie (Small, C) 3$
#08 Kobold Rogue (Small, C) 4,5$
#09 Green Guard Drake (Medium, C) 4$
#11 Vine Blight x2 (Medium, C) 4,5$ each
#12 Koalinth (Medium, C) 3$

#14 Emerald Dragonborn (Medium, U) 5,5$
#15 Amethyst Dragonborn (Medium, U) 6$
#18 Kobold Warlock (Small, U) 5,5$
#19 Draconian Infiltrator (Drake Warden) (Medium, U) 6,5$
#24 Draconian Mastermind (Medium, U) 10$
#28 Metallic Peacekeeper x2 (Large, U) 3,5$ each
#29 Draconian Dreadnought (Large, U) 19$
#30 Dragonflesh Grafter x2 (Large, U) 4,5$ each
#31 Gem Stalker x2 (Huge, U) 6$ each
#32 Dragonblood Ooze x2 (Large, U) 5$ each

Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse
#01 Bugbear x2 (Medium, C) 5$
#03 Wretched Sorrowsworn x4 (Small, C) 4,5$
#04 Duergar x4 (Medium, C) 1,2$
#08 Derro Savant (Small, C) 1,5$
#09 Drow Shadowblade x3 (Medium, C) 3,5$ each
#10 Drow House Captain x2 (Medium, C) 2,5$ each
#11 Duergar Soulblade (Medium, C) 4$
#13 Rutterkin x2 (Medium, C) 3,5$ each

#19 Lost Sorrowsworn x3 (Medium, U) 5,5$ each
#22 Hungry Sorrowsworn x2 (Medium, U) 5$ each
#24 Duergar Warlord x2 (Medium, U) 5,5$
#26 Catoblepas x2 (Large, U) 6$ each
#32 Quetzalcoatlus (Huge, U) 4$
#34 Retriever (Large) 7$
#35 Shoosuva (Large, U) 5,5$
#36 Female Steeder x2 (Huge, U) 6$

#42 Blackguard (Medium, R) 9$

Spelljammer : Adventures from Space
#01 Astral Elf x3 (Medium, C) 3$ each
#02 Reigar x2 (Medium, C) 2$ each
#03 Autognome (Small, C) 3$
#04 Chwinga x2 (Small, C) 1,5$ each
#06 Ssurran Rogue (Medium, C) 3,3$
#07 Hadozee Fighter x2 (Medium, C) 2,5$ each
#08 Jammer Leech x3 (Medium, C) 1,5$ each
#09 Murder Comet x2 (Medium, C) 2$ each
#10 Plasmoid x3 (Medium, C) 8,5$ each
#11 Thri-Kreen x2 (Medium, C) 6$ each
#12 Mister Flinch x2 (Medium, C) 2,5$ each
#13 Astral Blight x3 (Medium, C) 3$ each

#15 Astral Elf with sword drawn x2 (Medium, U) 3,5$
#17 Chwinga & Space Guppy x2 (Medium, U) 3$ each
#20 Autognome with spell effect x2 (Small, U) 3,3$ each
#21 Commodore Krux (Medium, U) 6$
#22 Psurlon (Medium, U) 4,5$
#23 Zodar (Medium, U) 3,5$
#24 Spelljamming Helm x2 (Medium, U) 4$ each
#25 Astral Elf Aristocrat x2 (Medium, U) 4$ each
#26 Aartuk Elder x2 (Large, U) 5$ each
#27 Eye Monger x3 (Large, U) 6$ each
#28 Ulitharid x3 (Large, U) 12$ each
#30 Gaj (Large, U) 6,5$
#32 Neh-thalggu x2 (Large, U) 5,5$ each
#33 Void Scavver x2 (Huge, U) 7$ each

Dohwar Promo (Small, Unique) boxed, complete - 60$
Spelljammer: Ship Scale - Astral Elf Patrol - boxed, complete - 45$

Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen
#45 Belephaion (Huge, R) 40$

Bigby Presents: Glory of the Giants
#01 Giant Tick (Medium, C) 4$
#02 Ettercap x2 (Medium, C) 3,5$ each
#12 Skytower Goliath x4 (Medium, C) 2,3$ each

#13 Bag Jelly x2 (Medium, U) 3,5$ each
#15 Goliath Trickster x2 (Medium, U) 2,2$ each
#17 Giant Poisonous Snake x3 (Medium, U) 9$ each
#18 Goliath Chef (Medium, U) 2,8$
#19 Goliath Monk x3 (Medium, U) 2$ each
#20 Giant Badger x2 (Medium, U) 4,3$ each
#21 Deinonychus (Medium, U) 7$
#22 Dilophosaurus (Medium, U) 7$

#29 Orc Wizard Runecrafter (Medium, R) 9$
#31 Firegaunt x2 (Huge, U)13$ each
#32 Fire Hellion (Huge, U) 10$
#34 Hill Giant Avalancher x2 (Huge, U)7,5$ each
#35 Maw of Yeenoghu x3 (Huge, U) 6$ each
#36 Spectral Cloud x2 (Huge, U)12$ each
#37 Stone Giant of Evil Earth x2 (Huge, U) 4,5$
#38 Cloud Giant of Evil Air x2 (Huge, U) 5,5$

Seas & Shores
#01 Pirate x2 (Medium, C) 4$ each
#02 Sea Elf Druid (Medium, C) 2$
#04 Tortle x2 (Medium, C) 4$ each
#05 Amphisbaena x2 (Medium, C) 3,2$ each
#07 Giant Crab (Medium, C) 7$
#09 Reef Frog (Medium, C) 5$
#10 Sea Spawn x2 (Medium, C) 2,5$ each
#11 Druid x3 (Medium, C) 3$ each
#12 Locathah Hunter (Medium, C) 3,5$
#13 Sword Wraith Warrior x2 (Medium, C) 3,5$ each

#14 Water Elemental Myrmidon (Medium, U) 7$
#17 Sea Hag (Medium, U) 3$
#18 Swashbuckler (Medium, U) 4$
#19 Merfolk Scout (Medium, U) 4,5$
#20 Air Elemental Myrmidon x2 (Medium, U) 5$ each
#21 Pirate Captain (Medium, U) 6$
#24 Peryton (Medium, U) 4,5$
#27 Giant Octopus (Large, U) 5,5$
#28 Hippogriff (Large, U) 3,7$
#29 Crab Folk x2 (Large, U) 9$ each
#30 Giant Sea Eel (Large, U) 4$
#31 Giant Lizard (Large, U) 7$
#33 Wastrilith x2 (Large, U) 3,2$ each
#34 Sea Lion (Large, U) 6$

#45 Giant Sea Horse (Large, R) - missing head, with saddle 5$

Archdevils: Bael, Bel and Zariel
Archduke Zariel of Avernus (Large, Unique) 28$

Magic the Gathering - Adventures in the Forgotten Realms - Adventuring Party Starter
#03 Varis (Medium, Unique) 7,5$

Waterdeep Dragon Heist Set 1
#07 Jarlaxle Baenre (Medium, Unique) 15$

Cave Defenders
#02 Kobold 1 (spear) (Small, Unique) 3,8$
#03 Kobold 2 (bow) (Small, Unique) 3,8$
#04 Kobold 3 (sword) (Small, Unique) 3,8$
#05 Bugbear 1 (axe) (Medium, Unique) 2,5$
#06 Bugbear 2 (morning star) (Medium, Unique) 3$

Idols of the Realms
Abomninable Yeti (Huge, Unique) 6$

Critical Role



Monsters of Wildemount Set 1
#03 Core Spawn Seer (Medium, Unique) 6$
#04 Husk Zombie (Medium, Unique) 8,5$
#05 Shadowghast (Medium, Unique) 8$
#06 Aeorian Absorber (Large, Unique) 5,5$
#07 Aeorian Nullifier (Large, Unique) 8$
#08 Aeroian Reverser (Large, Unique) 7$

Monsters of Wildemount Set 2
#15 Moorbounder (Large, Unique) 13$
#16 Swavain Basilisk (Huge, Unique) 10$

Monsters of Tal'Dorei Set 2
#01 Adranach (Huge, Unique) 4$

Monsters of Exandria 1 Set
Artagan (Large, Unique) 6,5$
Nahla (Medium, Unique) 9,5$

Monsters of Exandria 3 Set
#01 Abyssal Abomination (Large, Unique) 9$
#02 Symphior (Small, Unique) 8$

Pathfinder Battles



Rise of the Runelords
#08 Harpy (Medium, C) 5$
#17 Lamia Kuchrima (Medium, C) 2$
#18 Shining Child x2 (Medium, C) 2,5$

#53 Lamatar Bayden (Medium, R) 6$
#62 Lamia Harridan (Huge, R) 30$

Shattered Star
#02 Portique (Small, C) 2$
#23 Hound of Tindalos x2 (Medium, U) 2,2$

Skulls & Shackles
#01 Grindylow (Small, C) 4$
#13 Pirate Sailor (Medium, C) 4$

#22 Kerdak Bonefist (Medium, U) 5$
#27 Arronax Endymion (Medium, U) 3,5$
#37 Aquatic Naga (Large, U) 4$

#52 Cannon Golem (Large, R) 16$

Legends of Golarion
#02 Goblin Pyro 2 (Small, C) 3,5$
#05 Charau-Ka (Small, C) 2,5$
#06 Reefclaw (Small, C) 2$
#09 Akata (Medium, C) 2$

#20 Hellknight Signifier x2 (Medium, U) 4,5$
#21 Thrune Agent (Medium, U) 4,5$
#28 Tatzlwyrm (Medium, U) 2$
#32 Calikang (Large, U) 2,5$

#44 Sajan, Human Monk (Medium, R) 6,5$
#53 The Gorilla King (Large, R) 12$

Wrath of the Righteous
#05 Berbalang (Medium, C) 4$
#11 Mongrel (Medium, C) 2,4$
#12 Slime Demon (Medium, C) 4$
#14 Vermlek Demon (Medium, C) 2$
#15 Abrikandilus Demon x2 (Small, C) 2$ each

#17 Basilisk (Medium, U) 11$
#25 Mongrel Archer (Medium, U) 3,5$
#30 Locust Demon (Large, U) 10$
#34 Vescavor Queen (Large, U) 7$
#37 Grimslake (Large, U) 6$

#44 Irabeht (Medium, R) 8$

Dungeons Deep
#06 Deinonychus (Medium, C) 10$
#21 Dwarf Barbarian (Medium, U) 6$
#30 Frost Giant (Large, U) 10$

#36 Eando Kline (Medium, R) 11$

The Rusty Dragon Inn
#12 Bugbear Mystic (Medium, C) 3$
#19 Ghoul Monarch (Medium, U) - missing right hand - 1$

#22 Gargoyle (Medium, U) 4,5$

Gateborn Rogue (Medium, Unique) 15$

Starfinder Battles



Planets of Peril
Green Skittermander (Small, Unique) 5$
Swarm Corrovox (Medium, Unique) 10$




Base Set
#05 Hawk-Eyed Investigator (Valor, U) 4$
#06 Runetagged Brawler (Valor, C) 1,5$
#12 Mirrorman (Valor, C) 1$
#16 Saint of Roses x2 (Valor, C) 4$
#29 Asylum Escapee (Madness, C) 1$

#32 Doomsinger (Madness, U) 2$
#35 Faceless Stalker (Madness, C) 1$
#37 Gun-Possessed Killer x2 (Madness, C) 1,5$
#43 Pick-Pick (Madness, C) 1$
#46 Spellbound Scissors (Madness, C) 1,5$
#54 Doomball x3 (Fear, C) 1$
#68 Soul Grub (Fear, C) 1$

#69 Thunder Sultan (Fear, U) 4$
#72 Zombie Enforcer (Fear, C) 1$
#81 Dreamreef Marauder x2 (Passion, C) 1$

#87 Lone Wolf (Passion, R) 7$
#91 Rainforest Shaman x2 (Passion, C) 1$

Baxar's War
#06 Kitsune (Valor, U) 1,5$
#09 Raging Vanguard (Valor, C) 2$
#15 Zungar Blademaster (Valor, C) 1,3$
#16 Bogillian (Madness, C) 1$

#17 Chaos Puppeteer (Madness, R) 8$
#22 Gent (Madness, U) 1,5$
#25 Nevret Warmaster x3 (Madness, C) 1$
#42 Silhouette (Fear, C) 1$
#53 Infernal Gothic x2 (Passion, C) 1$
#55 Maul Rat (Passion, C) 1$

#57 Ogrol Ragelord (Passion, U) 1,5$
#59 Whispering Imp (Passion, C) 1$

Chrysotic Plague
#03 Battleweaver (Valor, C) 1$
#11 Thrice-Crowned Androgyne (Valor, R) 3$
#12 Tower of Unquenched Flame (Valor, U) 3$
#14 War Toller (Valor, C) 1$
#20 Drakesnail (Madness, U) 1,5$
#24 Illuminati Pyramid (Madness, R) 8$
#26 Probability Walker (Madness, C) 2$
#29 Swordstrider (Madness, C) 1,5$
#30 Tattooed Squashbug x3 (Madness, C), 2$

#32 Backalley Skuntch (Fear, U) 1$
#39 Lungthief Beetle (Fear, U) 1,5$
#46 Aviax Firebrand (Passion, U) 1,8$

#47 Bloodsucker (Passion, C) 1,5$
#51 Doctor Agony x2 (Passion, C) 1$
#52 Hazardin Grenadier (Passion, C) 1$

Mage Knight



#146 Storm Golem (Unique) 18$

#005 Elite Surok Apprentice * 2,5$
#006 Elite Surok Apprentice ** 2$
#010 Crystal Sprite * 1,5$
#016 Rancid Bloodsucker * 1$

#138 Half-Troll Behemoth on Ankhar (Unique) 10$

#001 Gnoll Hunter * 1,3$
#076 Zenephret (Unique) 3$

#003 Utem Crossbowman *** 1$
#004 Utem Guardsman * 2$
#008 Whirling Golem ** 2$
#013 Woodland Scout 1$
#025 Marsh Zombie 1,75$
#032 Grave Robber x2 ** 2$
#033 Grave Robber *** 1,5$
#034 Feral Bloodsucker x2 * 1$
#036 Feral Bloodsucker x3 *** 1$
#041 Khamsin Fuser ** 1,25$
#053 Technomancer * 2$
#063 Wood Golem ** 2$
#080 Nightstalker x3 ** 1,5$
#088 Black Powder Boomer * 2$
#090 Black Powder Boomer *** 2,5$
#112 Crusher * 1$
#136 Werewolf * 1,5$

#158 Eldritch Draconum (Unique) 12$
#159 Demiphant (Unique) 14$

Conquest Book Pack
#004 Cannon (LE) 5,5$

#098 Magestone Draconum (Unique) 12$

#001 Gnoll Robber x2 * 1$
#013 Fire Salamander * 1$
#014 Fire Salamander ** 2$
#015 Fire Salamander x2 *** 2,5$
#017 Skulk x2 ** 0,8$
#019 Stone Golem x2 * 2,5$
#021 Stone Golem x2 *** 3$
#022 Ram Warrior * 0,7$
#023 Ram Warrior x3 ** 1,2$
#024 Ram Warrior *** 1,5$
#026 Squalid Gremlin ** 2$
#027 Squalid Gremlin x2 *** 2,5$
#028 Desert Ape x2 * 1,5$
#029 Desert Ape x2 ** 2$
#030 Desert Ape *** 2,5$
#031 Temple Cat x2 * 1$
#032 Temple Cat ** 1,5$
#033 Temple Cat *** 2$
#037 Ironblood Ettin * 2$
#039 Ironblood Ettin *** 2,5$
#040 Gorgon x5 * 1$
#041 Gorgon x3 ** 2$
#043 Tridrax * 3$
#044 Tridrax ** 3,5$
#045 Tridrax *** 4$
#047 Acid Ooze ** 3$

#070 Jadreen x3 (Unique) 4$
#072 Delara (Unique) 3$
#074 Seeker Contri (Unique) 6$
#075 Seeker Elydia (Unique) 8$
#077 Dagon x2 (Unique) 1$
#081 Amir x2 (Unique) 3,5$
#082 En-Zar x3 (Unique) 3,75$
#086 Ember (Unique) 8$
#087 Trollkiller x2 (Unique) 4,5$
#088 Phreggs (Unique) 2$

#093 Treasure Chest 1$
#095 Treasure Chest 1$
#096 Treasure Chest 2$
#099 Treasure Chest 1$
#100 Treasure Chest 2$
#101 Treasure Chest 1$
#102 Treasure Chest 2$
#103 Treasure Chest 1,5$
#107 Treasure Chest 2$
#109 Treasure Chest 2$
#113 Treasure Chest 1$
#114 Treasure Chest 1$
#115 Treasure Chest 1$
#116 Treasure Chest 1,5$

#029 Orc Tracker ** 2,5$
#029 Orc Tracker ** missing left arm - Free
#031 Orc Sentry * 2$
#033 Orc Tracker *** 2$
#035 Shyft Piper ** 1$
#050 Vampiric Thrall ** 4$
#066 Magestone Knight *** 2$
#071 Tribow ** 1,5$

#094 Patchwork (Unique) 4$

Mage Knight 2.0
#004 Empire Veteran x2 * 1$
#008 Infantry Golem ** 1,5$
#009 Infantry Golem *** 2$
#010 Atlantean Swordmage * 1,5$
#014 Khamsin Trooper ** 1,5$
#028 Deathsinger x2 * 3$
#035 Zombie Centaur ** 5$
#041 Orc Hunter ** 2,5$
#043 High Elven Warrior * 3$
#046 High Elven Archer * 2,5$
#048 High Elven Archer x2 *** 3$
#053 Magestone Golem ** 4$
#055 Combat Magus * 1,5$
#065 Steam Mauler ** 5$
#066 Steam Mauler *** 6$
#070 Vampire Archer x2 * 4$
#079 Crusader Priest * 4$
#082 Troll Smasher * 2,4$
#087 Harka Orc *** 3$
#091 Blood Shaman * 3$
#101 Cloud Warrior x2 ** 5$
#102 Cloud Warrior *** 6$
#111 War Priestess *** 2$
#112 Rock Griffin * 5,6$
#114 Rock Griffin *** 6,3$

#238 Kierin Starsdawn + Starcloud card x2 (Special) - bagged, unopened 3$
Santa 2.0 x2 (Special) - boxed, unopened - 17$

Dark Riders
#001 Imperial Disruptor x2 * 1,5$
#001 Imperial Disruptor * 1,5$
#002 Imperial Disruptor ** 1,7$
#003 Imperial Disruptor ** 2$
#006 Prieskan Warrior * 2$
#007 Prieskan Warrior ** 2$
#011 Leech Troll ** 2$
#013 Talon Warrior * 3$
#017 Freeholder Warrior x2 * 2$
#018 Freeholder Warrior x2 ** 2,5$
#019 Freeholder Warrior ** 2,5$
#021 Freeholder Sorceress x2 * 2$
#027 Snow Centaur ** 2$
#029 Snow Maidern * 2$
#033 Orc Violator x4 * 2,4$
#034 Orc Violator ** 2,5$
#037 Orc Wolfkin x3 * 2,6$
#040 Orc Wolfkin *** 3$
#041 Steam Tinker x3 * 2$
#042 Steam Tinker ** 3$
#045 Screecher * x2 3$
#048 Screecher *** 3,5$
#049 Flesh-Eating Zombie x4 * 2,4$
#050 Flesh-Eating Zombie x2 ** 2$
#051 Flesh-Eating Zombie ** 2$
#052 Flesh-Eating Zombie *** 3$
#053 Pain Wraith x2 * 3$
#061 Solonavi Oathsworn x3 * 2$
#063 Solonavi Oathsworn ** 2$
#064 Solonavi Oathsworn *** 2$
#065 Surok Rider * 2$
#069 Flame Priestess x2 ** 1,6$
#071 River Charger * 5$
#074 Barrow Knight x2 * 2$
#076 Barrow Knight x3 *** 2,5$
#077 Khamsin Surgeon x4* 1,2
#080 Eagle Shaman x6 * 0,8$
#081 Eagle Shaman x2 ** 1$
#082 Eagle Shaman x2 *** 1,5$
#083 Scalesworn Honorguard x3 * 2,4$
#084 Scalesworn Honorguard ** 3$
#086 Dragon Priest x3 * 1,8$
#087 Dragon Priest x5 ** 2,2$
#088 Dragon Priest x3 *** 2,5$
#089 Drone Golem (Unique) 20$
#090 Galeshi Sorcerer (Unique) 16$
#092 High Elven Knight (Unique) 11$
#098 Herald Calianthia (Unique) 6$
#099 Scorch x2 (Unique) 9$
#100 Morathai (Unique) 13,5$

#105 Battle Horse ** 8$
#108 Cloud Griffon x3 ** 4$
#110 Desert Warbird x6 ** 5$
#111 Horned Stag x2 ** 4$
#112 Horned Stag ** 5,5$
#114 Pegasus x5 ** 4,5$
#117 Sky Dragon x2 ** 6,2$
#118 Sky Dragon x2 ** 5$
#120 Technocat ** 4$

#002 Golem Familiar ** 3$
#004 Centaur Shaman x2 * 3,5$
#008 Blood Demon x3 ** 4$
#013 Technoprentice * 1,5$
#014 Technoprentice ** 1,7$
#015 Technoprentice *** 2$
#017 Apprentice Forger ** 1,5$
#019 Blood Cultist x3 * 3,7$
#020 Blood Cultist x2 ** 4,3$
#021 Blood Cultist x3 *** 5$
#025 Noble Initiate x3 * 2$
#026 Noble Initiate * 2,5$
#027 Noble Initiate ** 2$
#029 Trance Warrior * 4,2$
#031 Whelp Firecaster * 3$
#033 Whelp Firecaster *** 3$
#034 Solonavi Shade x3 * 3,6$
#035 Solonavi Shade x2 ** 4$
#039 Palm Magus *** 1,2$
#043 Cult Enforcer * 4$
#044 Cult Enforcer ** 4,3$
#049 Regal Skymage x7 * 6,5$
#050 Regal Skymage x5 ** 8$
#051 Regal Skymage x2 *** 9$
#052 Nal-Khan Witch * 3$
#053 Nal-Khan Witch x3 ** 3,5$
#054 Nal-Khan Witch *** 4$
#055 Magna Champion * 8$
#061 Delphana Master x2 * 2,5$
#072 Tempest Priest *** 3$
#075 High Elven Disciple x4 *** 3$
#076 Masked Shaman * 3$
#077 Masked Shaman x2 ** 3$

#095 Scholar Maleficius x2 (Unique) 7$
#205 Carotep of Surok (Unique) 4$
#216 Wrath (Unique) 8$

#001 Grimlin x2 3$
#004 Blackwing x5 * 3,2$
#005 Blackwing ** 3,5$
#006 Blackwing x2 *** 4$
#007 Wave Spawn * 3$
#008 Wave Spawn ** 3$
#009 Wave Spawn *** 3$
#013 Fang Worm * 4,5$
#019 Swordbane x2 * 2,5$
#020 Swordbane x2 ** 2,9$
#021 Swordbane *** 3,2$
#022 Darkfen Blade x3 * 4,4$
#025 Shyft Fiend * 3,4$

#028 Vah'Kama (Unique) -with unopened dials - 4,5$
#029 Fear Priest * 2$
#034 Dwarven Swordsman ** 3,4$
#037 Troll Berserker x5 * 4,6$
#039 Troll Berserker *** 3,7$
#041 Moonborn Sorceress x2 * 3,95$
#045 Galeshi Stalker x3 ** 3,5$
#047 Galeshi Stalker *** 4,5$

#048 Hazna Bez (Unique) - with unopened dials - 5$
#050 Bow Golem ** 4,2$
#053 Khamsin Pistoleer * 1,2$
#054 Khamsin Pistoleer x2 ** 2,2$
#058 Amazon Warrior ** 5$
#062 Scalesworn Militia ** 3,2$

#064 Wisp Freeblade (Unique) - with unopened dials - 3,5$
#065 Venthian Assassin * 3,2$
#069 Shyft Summoner x2 * 4,4$
#070 Shyft Summoner ** 5$

#072 Fys'okro (Unique) - with unopened dials - 10$
#073 Rivenguard Archer x3 * 3,6$
#075 Rivenguard Archer ** 5,6$

#076 Bowman Nock x4 (Unique) - with unopened dials - 5$
#078 Goblin Raider x3 ** 3$
#079 Goblin Raider *** 3,8$
#085 Heirraman Priestess * 5,8$

#091 Raydan Marz (Unique) 20$
#100 Domina Vo'kara (Unique) 43$


#006 Inquisitor ** 6$
#009 Magestone Lord x2 ** 8$
#021 Flayed Lord x2 ** 4,5$
#026 Mummy ** 10$

#031 Amir (Unique) 3,5$
#032 Baran Skullcracker x3 (Unique) 6,5$

#035 Dwarven Stomper ** 30$
#037 Galeshi Sun Prophet ** 7$

#038 Red duch*ess of Khamsin (Unique) 20$
#040 Snow (Unique) 25$
#045 Delara (Unique) 4$

#046 Galeshi Cultist x2 ** 3,5$
#053 Spiritcatcher ** 6,5$
#056 Zombie Baron ** 10$

#066 Pearl (Unique) 2,8$
#081 Troll Knight ** 12$
#084 Wylden Bandit x2 ** 10$

#085 Arjen Lightbringer x2 (Unique) 4,75$
#081 Troll Knight ** 12$
#084 Wylden Bandit x2 ** 10$

#088 Elabeth the Pure (Unique) 8$
#089 Elven Acolyte ** 5$
#096 Steel (Unique) 4$
#100 Grappler x2 ** 22$
#103 Phooka ** 2,5$
#104 Pyre Spirit ** 18$

#111 Ember x4 (Unique)9$
#121 Trollkiller (Unique) 8$

#120 Tribal Follower ** 4$
#122 Brethan Kyle (Unique) 2$
#124 Jadreen (Unique) 2,8$

#126 Psychic Scrounger ** 3$
#130 Spirit Prophet x2 ** 6$
#131 Arcane Apprentice ** 8$
#132 Blackstone Warder ** 8$

#139 Sky Heron (Unique) 8$

Boxed Sets
WZK0416 - Spirit Eidolon Solonavi Celestial x2 (MOSC) 40$
WZK0904 - Artifacts Set 1 (MOSC) 27$
WZK0905 - Artifacts Set 2 x2 (MOSC) 27$
WZK0912 - 3D Dungeons Trap Pack (MOSC) 35$

C02 - Lord Maaka (Unique) 5,5$
WZK411EU - Castle Walls Pack 2 (MOSC) 30$




Base Set
#034 Runaway * + card 2,5$

The Lab
#016 Scrubber * + card 1$
#049 Proto Cyborg ** + card 1$
#058 Morgue Attendant x2 * + card 1,5$
#062 Lab Gorilla ** + card 1$
#064 Plague Vagrant * + card 0,8$
#065 Plague Vagrant ** + card 0,6$
#082 Field Agent ** + card 6$

#004 Wildman * + card 0,8$
#008 Wolf Boy ** + card 1$
#010 Cannibal Clowns * + card 2$
#013 Escape Artist * + card 1,25$

#014 Escape Artist ** + card 1,25$
#029 Monster Patrol ** + card 1,25$

#034 Carnie * + card 1$
#035 Skell *** + card 1$
#039 Doctor Barker *** + card 2$
#042 Southpaw *** + card 2$

#047 Officer 13 ** + card 2$
#069 Herculon *** + card 3$
#075 Big Red *** + card 3$

#001 Zombie Cheerleader (White) + card 3$
#002 50-Foot Ex-Girlfriend (White) + card 4$
#004 Zombie Scarecrow x2 (White) + card 2$
#006 Luchador (White) + card 3$
#008 Lawn Gnome (White) + card 4$
#012 Jane Cleaver (White) + card 1,25$
#014 Swordsman (White) + card 1$
#016 Flasher (White) + card 3$

#017 Death (Green) + card 2$
#021 Genie (Green) + card 1$
#024 Jack-in-the-Box (Green) + card 2$
#026 Sewer Crawler x2 (Green) + card 3$
#029 Zombie Drill Sergeant (Green) + card 2$
#030 Quarterback Slasher (Green) + card 2$

#033 Zombie Nerd (Unique) + card 3$
#041 Mime Monster x2 (Unique) + card 2$

Extra cards and tokens - free with any purchase.




DC - Legacy
#026 Power Girl ** 2$
#054 Obsidian *** 2$
#089 Ultraman (Unique) 8$

Marvel - Mutant Mayhem
#008 Skullbuster ** 1$
#035 Silver Sable ** 1$

#055 Blink * 0,5$
#079 Wolverine * 0,5$

BB Shockwave's sales - MinisGallery Discussion Forum (2024)


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Article information

Author: Kieth Sipes

Last Updated:

Views: 5878

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (47 voted)

Reviews: 94% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.